
Women’s Rights Activists Protest Anti-Abortion Press Conference

Yesterday the New York chapter of the National Organization for Women protested an anti-abortion press conference, held by New York City clergy. Archbishop Timothy Dolan joined religious leaders in his call to reduce the number of abortions in New York City. Sean Fieler, an investment banker and the chair of the Chiaroscuro Foundation, coordinated the press conference.

Although city health department statistics indicated a decline in the number of abortions in New York City in the last decade, Dolan and Fieler declared that they will renew efforts to reduce abortions. In recent years, Archbishop Dolan has protested outside of the US Supreme Court for the overturn of the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. Fieler has announced his foundation’s plans to donate $1 million in 2011 to open crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs) in New York City.

Crisis Pregnancy Centers (CPCs) pose as comprehensive women’s health clinics and advertise under “abortion” and “family planning” services, but do not offer abortion services, contraeption, or referrals. CPCs often provide false information about abortion, birth control, and the effectiveness of condoms for the prevention of STIs and HIV. These CPCs too often lie to women in need. A Congressional investigation of CPCs revealed that 87% provided false or misleading information about the health effects of abortion. The Congressional report found many of these federally funded centers grossly misrepresent the medical risks of abortion by telling women that having an abortion could increase the risk of breast cancer, result in sterility, and lead to suicide and “post-abortion syndrome.”


Wall Street Journal 1/7/11; National Organization for Women, New York City Website 1/6/11; New York Times 1/6/11; Archdiocese of New York Website 1/7/11; Feminist Daily Newswire 10/13/10

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