
Women’s Rights Advocates Protest NRA Leader

Chanting “Tanya, Tanya, She’s No Friend. She Gives Guns To Violent Men,” over thirty women’s rights, domestic violence, and anti-gun activists held an informational picket outside of a speech by NRA Lobbyist Tanya Metaska before the Independent Women’s Forum. Metaska’s new book, Safe, Not Sorry, portrays women’s gun ownership as the solution to domestic violence and urges repeal of the Domestic Violence Gun Ban, which prohibits people convicted of domestic violence misdemeanors from possessing guns. The picket was organized by the Feminist Majority Foundation, National Network to End Domestic Violence, and the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Protestors outnumbered those attending Metaska’s speech by about 3-1. The Independent Women’s Forum is a conservative organization which receives funding from right-wing foundations.


Feminist Majority Foundation - June 18, 1997

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