
World March of Women Sends a Message

Thousands of women filled the streets of Washington, D.C. on Sunday to participate in the 2000 World March of Women, protesting against global poverty, violence against women and sex discrimination. The March, organized by the National Organization for Women, included a march past the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund buildings where activists cried, “Shame, Shame, Shame,” and demanded debt relief and an end to world economic policies that destroy the poor, especially women and children in developing nations. After the March, feminist leaders, including NOW president, Patricia Ireland and Feminist Majority president, Eleanor Smeal, rallied activists, saying “Human rights are women’s rights and women’s rights are human rights.” Speakers urged participants to elect candidates to office who would fight to protect abortion rights and gay rights and who would help bring an end domestic violence, racism, sexism, homophobia, poverty, and gender apartheid in Afghanistan.


Associated Press _ October 15, 2000; Feminist Majority Foundation _ October 15, 2000; Washington Post _ October 16, 2000

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