Our Work

The Feminist Majority Foundation (FMF) is organized by projects and programs to advance women’s equality, non-violence, economic development, reproductive justice and access to contraception, abortion and reproductive healthcare including Medicaid funding , access for minors, poor women and girls, and people regardless of immigration status.  We work to empower women and girls in the USA and worldwide in all sectors of society while promoting the feminization of power or winning equality for women at the decision-making tables of government  and the economy.   FMF works to end sexism, racism, homophobia, and supports Black Lives Matter, LGBTQIA+ rights, Immigrants rights and a path to citizenship, the Dreamers, $15 minimum wage, paid family medical and sick  leave, accessible and affordable  health care, child care, and housing, expansion of Medicaid and Medicare, the end of mass incarceration, and social and economic justice.  Lastly,  but not least, FMF supports effective action to combat climate change.  

Equal Rights Amendment

The FMF is a lead organization in the National ERA coalition. The final ratification of the ERA is and has been a goal of the FMF since our founding.  Today the necessary three-fourths of the states, or 38 states, have ratified the ERA.  FMF is a a signatory on the amicus brief for the women’s movement supporting the Attorneys General of Nevada, Illinois, and Virginia seeking the National Archivist’s recognition of the ERA ratification  by their state legislatures and the final adoption of the ERA into The United States Constitution as an amendment. The FMF supports adoption of State ERAs to state constitutions.  

National Clinic Access Project (NCAP)

The oldest (started in 1989) and largest abortion clinic defense project in the nation, the NCAP leads efforts to reduce anti-abortion violence and to keep healthcare workers safe and to keep clinics open. The NCAP assists independent and affiliated clinic, doctors, and administrators, provides emergency security assistance, community organizing support, legal support,  research on anti-abortion violent extremism, and works with law enforcement to improve response to anti-abortion violence and threats of violence.  

Feminist Campus

The largest collegiate network of feminist student groups in 45 states on hundreds of college campuses both private and public, four-year and two-year institutions. The program conducts civic engagement projects and campaigns to increase the student vote.  It also conducts campaigns to defeat anti-abortion referendum and initiatives on state ballots as well as the following campaigns:


Feminist Student groups adopt local clinics that are targets of anti – abortion harassment and intimidation to assist them in building community support and assist as clinic escorts and legal observers.

Increased Birth Control Access

Each year millions of women struggle to afford access to birth control.  Campus groups work to increase access both in communities and on campus.

Campaign to Expand Access to Medication Abortion on Campus

Student groups work to educate state governments as well as Administrators and Boards of Trustees of colleges/universities on the need to provide medication abortion at student health centers.

Campaign to Expose Fake Clinics

Student groups work to inform students about facilities that appear to be comprehensive reproductive health clinics that are opposed to abortion and birth control access.


The FMF conducted a 10-year successful campaign (1989-2000) to win FDA approval of Mifepristone, now marketed as Mifeprex, a medication for early abortion — once called the “French” abortion pill. Today mifepristone is used for about 40%-50% of all early abortions in the United States.  FMF conducts a small compassionate use program for people with serious illnesses that have exhausted other remedies and that their doctor believes mifepristone may help them and the FDA approves.  

Campaign for Afghan Women and Girls

The Campaign for Afghan Women and Girls is a public education and grassroots effort that has brought the human rights catastrophe to national and international attention.

Education Equity Campaign

FMF’s Education Equity program plays a leading role in compiling research on gender equity and developing an active national Title IX Action Network to fight the many threats to Title IX and maximize its beneficial impact on society.

Global Programs

FMF is committed to empowering women and girls around the world. Join us as we advocate for Afghan women and girls and support feminists in other countries such as Iran and Saudi Arabia who have been persecuted, advocate for increased funding for global sexual reproductive health, rights and services, support for US Senate passage of the United Nations Convention for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), and advocacy for the International Violence against Women Act.

Girls Learn International

Girls Learn International (GLI). Is a high school and middle school program. GLI groups educate and energize students concerning the discrimination against girls In many countries and the global movement for Increasing girls’ access to education, and to end the practice of girls being forced into child marriage. With 220 GLI chapters in some 30 states and partners in 10 countries, GLI is building a movement of informed advocates for universal girls’ education and a new generation of leaders and activists for equality, Annually a delegation of GLI members participate in the UN Status of Women’s Commission with some 400 other students from around the world advocating for girls and women.

Ms. Magazine

In 2001, FMF acquired Liberty Media for Women LLC, the publisher of Ms. Magazine, which was founded by Gloria Steinem in 1972. Ms. Is the oldest and largest feminist magazine in the world. Under FMF ownership Ms. reaches digitally millions of people worldwide. Ms. publishes not only a Recycled paper magazine quarterly with national and world news from a feminist perspective, but also digitally a daily and weekly news digest. It also reaches thousands of college students in the United States with its Ms. in the Classroom product that features Ms. Magazine digitally and Ms. Digital books by noted feminist scholars.

Violence Against Women

FMF advocates and educates about policies and programs working to reduce and eliminate violence against women.