Alabama’s Reproductive Health Services clinic – the only abortion clinic left in Montgomery, Alabama – needs your help to pay for security improvements and additional security costs.

Right now, anti-abortion extremists from across the country are descending upon this vitally needed clinic. Operation Save America (“OSA”) is leading national demonstrations against this clinic. Our Clinic Defense Team is on the ground in Alabama as we write, providing assistance to the clinic the entire time OSA and their out of state extremists are there. We are working with law enforcement and community activists to make sure this clinic is protected and stays open.
Stand shoulder to shoulder with this clinic and its health care providers by sending a donation. Half of your tax-deductible gift will go directly to the Reproductive Health Services clinic for improving security measures, and half will support our Clinic Defense Team that works to keep Reproductive Health Services and other targeted clinics open and safe.
This past Saturday night Alabama’s State Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore spoke at OSA’s opening rally. In a few days, Matthew Trewhella, an unapologetic advocate of justifiable homicide of abortion providers, will also speak at OSA’s evening rally.
Can you imagine? The Chief Justice of Alabama’s highest court – also a virulent opponent of same-sex marriage – is an OSA featured speaker, along with a man who signed the Defensive Action petition, which supported the use of lethal force, if necessary, to stop abortion.
The clinic has just spent tens of thousands of dollars to comply with medically unnecessary draconian building regulations forced on them by the state. Now that it is targeted, the clinic needs emergency funds to improve its security system.
In spite of repeated legislative attacks and anti-abortion extremist harassment and intimidation – this Alabama clinic and its courageous staff are standing strong and maintaining safe abortion access for women. Without clinics, there is no choice.
Help us provide Reproductive Health Services needed emergency funding at this critical time. Please make a tax-deductible contribution today to support Reproductive Health Services and our Clinic Defense team.