Afghanistan Global On the Hill Womens Rights

Congressional Representatives Emphasize the Importance of Preserving the Progress in Afghanistan

A bipartisan congressional dialogue by Rep. Susan Davis (D-CA) and Rep. Martha Ruby (R-AL) at the United States Institute of Peace focused on the achievements accomplished in Afghanistan. Both members of Congress have been leading a group of congressional members to Afghanistan since 2007 and have seen the progress there after more than a decade […]

Activism Afghanistan Education Global Womens Rights

Aisha Khurram Selected as Afghanistan’s 2019 Youth Representative to the United Nations

Aisha Khurram, a law student at Kabul University, has been selected as Afghanistan’s Youth Representative to the United Nations for 2019, joining a group of other young representatives from across the globe seeking to make their voices heard at the world governing body. Khurram — who was selected from among 80 candidates — is tasked […]

Activism Afghanistan

Canadian Women Launch a New Project for Afghan Women

Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan ( just completed their annual conference in British Columbia. The three-day long conference was packed with inspiring speakers and workshops. During the event, CW4WAfghan launched their new project called Gender Equity in Teacher Training to Improve Girls’ Education in Afghanistan (GETT). This $1.3 million project will train women teachers. […]

Activism Afghanistan Global Womens Rights

Afghan Women Activists Demand a Prominent Role in Peace Talks

During a large gathering to celebrate Eid and Afghanistan’s Independence Day on Tuesday, women in Khost province in eastern Afghanistan courageously called on the Taliban to stop violence and take steps towards enduring peace in the country. Afghan women have repeatedly called for more representation in the ongoing peace negotiations aimed at ending 18 years […]

Afghanistan Economy Global

Independence Day Afghan Women’s Handicraft Exhibition Uplifts Communities

This week, a three-day long exhibition of handicrafts made by Afghan women was showcased in Afghanistan’s capital city, Kabul, to celebrate the country’s 100th independence day. The handicraft exhibition was a part of several other upcoming programs focused on celebrating Afghan culture, people, and history. Women from the capital and neighboring provinces were able to […]

Afghanistan Global Politics Womens Rights

Women’s Rights: A Major Campaign Point in Afghanistan’s Presidential Elections

Afghanistan’s presidential candidates have officially launched their campaigns and candidates are vowing to protect and advance women’s rights in the hope of winning women’s votes. During their public gatherings, two front runners Mr. Ghani and Mr. Abdullah promised to advance the status of women and girls in Afghanistan and that they will include women in […]

Afghanistan Global

Afghan Director Roya Sadat’s Movie Wins Best Screenplay at SAARC Film Festival

On July 7, “A Letter to the President” by renowned Afghan filmmaker Roya Sadat won Best Screenplay at the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Film Festival in Sri Lanka. Afghanistan’s Ambassador in Sri Lanka, Mohammad Ashraf Haidari, received the award on Sadat’s behalf. The festival featured 34 films from the eight SAARC countries: […]

Afghanistan Education Global

Women Make up 25% of the Student Population at Afghanistan’s Higher Education Institutions

At Afghanistan’s higher education institutions, 25% of the student body population are women, including Tehmeena Painda, one of the highest achievers of the ‘Kankor’ University entrance examination- earning her a spot at Kabul Medical University.  This is an amazing achievement for young women in Afghanistan, where girls were prohibited from going to school during the […]


U.S. Pledges to Include Afghan Women in Peace Talks

After a week of marathon talks in Doha among Afghans, the U.S. Special Envoy for Reconciliation to Afghanistan, Zalmay Khalilzad, reassured that the U.S. is not “running and cutting” from Afghanistan. Mr. Khalilzad was speaking to an audience at Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace, and Security at Georgetown University, via a video link from Qatar. […]

Afghanistan Global

U.N. Security Council Meeting on Afghanistan “Cautiously” Optimistic

U.N. Security Council on June 19 held a briefing on the situation in Afghanistan. Officials urged for the inclusion of Afghan government in peace negotiations, human rights protection, and a credible and timely presidential election. Tadamichi Yamamoto, U.N. Special Representative to Afghanistan, said that there is reason for “cautious” optimism. During his briefing, Yamamoto, who […]

Afghanistan Global

AWCCI takes win in World Chambers Congress and Competition

The Afghanistan Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AWCCI), a group dedicated to highlighting Afghan women entrepreneurs, recently participated in the World Chambers Congress and Competition for the 11th anniversary of the competition held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This competition, held every two years, focuses on entrepreneurship and achievements by businesses in the sector. […]

Afghanistan Global

Senate Foreign Relations Committee Emphasizes the Inclusion of Women in Peace and Security Talks

Last Thursday, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee held a hearing to discuss the importance of women in building a long lasting peace in post-conflict societies, emphasizing women’s role in peace efforts and calling for the inclusion of women in its efforts of conflict resolution overseas. The committee created a goal to ensure that Afghan women […]

Afghanistan Global

“Virginity Exams” in Afghanistan Continue Despite Government Efforts

Invasive and medically meaningless examinations, which are meant to determine a girl or women’s virginity status by inspecting their hymen or inserting fingers into their vagina, have persisted in Afghanistan, despite the government’s official public health policy that bars health workers from engaging in the abusive practice. The prevalence of virginity exams continues as prosecutors […]

Afghanistan Global Politics Womens Rights

Sen. Shaheen Invites Afghanistan Ambassador as NATO Joint Address Guest

Senator Shaheen (D-NH) brought Afghanistan Ambassador Roya Rahmani, the first female ambassador of Afghanistan to the United States, as her guest to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg’s Joint Address to Congress to highlight the need for women’s inclusion in all peace talks involving the U.S. and the Taliban. “I am thankful for Ambassador Rahmani’s willingness […]

Afghanistan Global

Girls’ Hygiene Day Celebrated in Afghanistan

Recently, Afghanistan celebrated Girls’ Hygiene Day and for the first time set forth guidelines that encourage young girls to feel empowered and knowledgeable about their bodies. The Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) guideline attempts to reach teachers, mothers, and young girls to raise awareness of girl’s hygiene and break prevalent menstruation stigma in Afghanistan. In Afghanistan, […]