
Women Are Surprised By The “Hidden” Cost Of Mammograms

Women are surprised when they receive a bill for their second mammogram in the mail, even though their first mammogram was covered by insurance. Around 30 million women every year receive preventative mammograms. Mammograms are necessary for the early prevention of breast cancer. Every 2 minutes, a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer in the […]

Economy Health LGBTQ Politics Reproductive Rights

Pete Buttigieg Releases Plan to Boost Women’s Economic, Social and Political Empowerment

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg unveiled a 26-page agenda focused entirely on women’s rights Thursday, one of the most detailed plans focused on women so far in the Democratic primary. The Indiana mayor’s agenda promises to close the gender pay and wealth gaps by guaranteeing equal pay for equal work while also addressing the ways […]

Health Reproductive Rights

Abstinence-Only Medical Clinic Receives Title X Federal Funding

Obria Medical Clinics, a Christian chain of family health facilities, has received $1.7 million in federal family planning funding. The program, known as Title X, is meant to help low-income families and individuals prevent unplanned pregnancies. Additionally, clinics that receive this funding are expected to prevent and treat sexually transmitted diseases and provide resources like […]

Global Health

Study Shows Women Are Dying From Heart Attack Gender Gap

A new briefing from the British Heart Foundation says women are dying of preventable heart attacks from a gender gap in treatment and a stigma that heart attacks mostly affect men. A study, funded by the BHF charity, found that over 10 years, 8,200 heart attack related deaths in the UK would have been prevented […]

Global Health LGBTQ

French Lawmakers Approve IVF for Single and Gay Women

France’s lower house of Parliament approved a controversial draft of a bioethics law Friday allowing single women and lesbian couples to use medically assisted reproduction methods, but it still needs to make it through France’s upper house. The bill, which would allow women who are not in heterosexual relationships or single to access IVF treatment […]


New Report Says U.S. Abortion Rate is Lowest Since Roe v. Wade

According to a report by the Guttmacher Institute released Wednesday that outlines changes in abortion statistics between 2011 and 2017, the United States abortion rate has hit an all-time low since the procedure became legal nationwide in 1973. The 48-page research document, used by policymakers and activists on both sides of the abortion debate, provides […]

Health Violence Against Women

When a Woman’s First Sexual Experience is Non-Consensual Long-Term Health Problems Follow, Study Shows

According to a study published Monday, which surveyed women ages 18 to 44 in the United States, more than 3 million women experienced rape as their first sexual experience, resulting in long-term health consequences. The study, published in JAMA Internal Medicine, found that most respondents were adolescents when they were raped, and that these women […]

Climate Change Global Health

New Study Finds Pollution from Carbon Emissions Found in Placentas Could be Harmful to Fetuses

A new study reveals that black carbon, a result of air pollution, can be found in mother’s placenta, posing a potential health risk to unborn babies. The study examined the placentas of 25 non-smoking women who gave birth in Belgium. Researchers studied the side of the placenta previously facing the fetus and found black carbon […]

Health Immigration

Pregnant Migrant Woman Had Labor Stopped By American Doctors, Taken Back to Mexico By U.S. Customs and Border Patrol

An eight-and-a-half month pregnant migrant woman travelling from El Salvador was stopped by U.S. Customs and Border Patrol after crossing the Rio Grande, and while the anonymous woman began experiencing labor contractions U.S. border agents took her to a hospital where American doctors gave her medications that would stop her labor and was quickly sent […]

Health Immigration

Trump Administration Ends Deferred Action Program for Immigrants Seeking Medical Treatment

This week the Trump administration ended deferrals of deportation for immigrants with severe medical conditions, giving them only 33 days before they must leave the country and lose access to live saving treatment that they cannot receive in their home countries. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services sent out letters this week without any formal announcement […]

Health Politics

Mayors Across the Country Condemn Trump Food Stamp Plan

Mayors from across the US came together today to sign a letter condemning Trump’s proposed changes to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program which would potentially disqualify 3 million people from receiving food stamps. According to the letter, the changes to SNAP would harm the most vulnerable populations in the U.S.: children, seniors, and people with […]

Abortion Health Reproductive Rights

Planned Parenthood Announces Impending Withdrawal from Title X Program

Planned Parenthood says that it will withdraw from Title X just days from now unless a federal court intervenes to save their Title X funding. Due to the Trump administration’s “domestic gag” rule Title X recipients are prevented from performing, counseling, or referring patients to abortion services and providers, primarily affecting low-income patients seeking family […]

Health Reproductive Rights

Birth Control Delivery Startups Threatened by CVS Proposal to Cut Reimbursement Rates

Birth control mail order services are in danger after CVS indicated it would cut reimbursement rates for home delivery, putting members in jeopardy of losing access to their birth control due to rising costs. #CVSDeniesCare began trending on Twitter Thursday after birth control mail order service Pill Club posted a public plea to the pharmacy […]

Global Health Reproductive Rights

New Zealand Bill Aims to Decriminalize Abortions

The debate in New Zealand surrounding the legalization of abortion has erupted today in response to the New Zealand government introducing a bill that would decriminalize abortions nationwide, giving people the option to terminate a pregnancy up to twenty weeks. The bill was a significant part of Prime Minister Jacinda Arden’s campaign agenda, which was […]

Abortion Health Reproductive Rights

HHS Awards $1.5 Million in Funding to Anti-Choice Organizations

Last week, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) awarded approximately 1.5 million dollars in teen pregnancy prevention funding to three anti-choice organizations, Obria Group, the Women’s Care Center of Erie County, and Bethany Christian Services. All three groups are known to have a history of misrepresenting sexual health information, and two of the […]


Kamala Harris’ Proposal Provides a Middle-Ground on Healthcare

This morning, two days before she takes the stage for the second Democratic presidential debate, Senator Kamala Harris released her new Medicare For All plan, calling for a government-run health insurance system that includes provisions for private insurance plans. Though Harris originally signed onto Senator Sanders’ Medicare For All legislation, which details an expedited path […]


Health and Human Services Defends Attack on Title X

On Wednesday, June 19, 2019, the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee of the Committee on Energy and Commerce met to discuss the Department of Health and Human Services new Title X regulation, dubbed as the ‘gag-rule’, that would ‘gag’ health care providers who are Title X funded from telling their patients how and where they can […]

Health Reproductive Rights Violence Against Women

States are Passing Extreme Anti-Abortion Laws to Challenge Roe v. Wade

Yesterday, Alabama’s female Governor Kay Ivey signed into law the most restrictive and cruel anti-abortion legislation in the United States, legislation that female Representative Terry Collins introduced in the state house to challenge Roe v. Wade. This past week both Georgia and Alabama have passed extreme anti-abortion legislation, revealing the conservative agenda to overturn Roe […]