Afghanistan Womens Rights

Japan Promises the Taliban to Expand Their Relations with the International Community Despite the Taliban’s Horrific Treatment of Women and Girls

During his farewell meeting, the outgoing Ambassador of Japan to Afghanistan, Takashi Okada, highlighted Japan’s efforts to expand the Taliban’s relations with the global community and the provision of humanitarian assistance in the wake of the recent earthquake in Herat.

Japan has historically maintained full diplomatic relations with Afghanistan and continues to do so. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Japan fears that “ceasing the efforts in Afghanistan will definitely throw the country back to the hotbed of terrorism” it was before the United States involvement in Afghanistan. 

Okada’s statements during this meeting are indicative of a larger movement from Japan toward normalizing relations with Afghanistan and recognizing the Taliban as the legitimate rulers of the country. Takayushi Kormaya, the new Japanese Ambassador to Afghanistan, will likely continue the efforts to expand Taliban’s relations and their eventual international recognition as he promised to improve relations between the two countries.

Very few countries in the international community are attempting to develop a relationship with the Taliban due to their gross humanitarian crimes and their treatment of women and girls in the now gender-apartheid state of Afghanistan. Many countries refuse to recognize the Taliban as the official government of Afghanistan. Under the Taliban, more than half the population has been denied their basic and legitimate human rights, including education, employment and mobility. Recognizing a regime that operates on the basis of discrimination, violence, and apartheid legitimizes these crimes and would allow for the continuation of these crimes in Afghanistan and other places. 


Tolonews 10/16/2023; Japan – Ministry of Foreign Affairs 10/17/2023; The Kabul Times 10/16/2023

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