
Wal-mart Pulls “Someday A Woman Will Be President” T-Shirt

Citing its offensiveness to some shoppers, a Wal-mart store close to Miami stopped selling a t-shirt which proclaimed, “Someday A Woman Will Be President.” The store had sold roughly two-thirds of its stock of 204 shirts, but decided to stop selling them when the store received a complaint from one customer. A buyer of women’s […]


Clinton Backs Lawsuit Against Bosnian Leader

The Clinton Administration has filed a brief supporting a lawsuit against Radovan Karadzic, the Bosnian Serb Leader. Two women, victims of the Balkan war, have filed the lawsuit in an attempt to hold him liable for Bosnian Serb war crimes. One woman says she was raped and mutilated by Serbian soldiers, the other says she […]


Country Opposes G.O.P. Medicare Plan, Expresses Dissatisfaction with Republican Leadership

A CNN/USA Today poll of 1,011 Americans conducted Sept. 22-24 found that fifty-one percent oppose Republicans’ plan to reform Medicare while only thirty-two percent favor it. Fifty-three percent felt that the elderly would be worse off if the reforms came into effect. Furthermore, forty-four percent indicated that the Republican leadership in Congress was moving the […]


Powell Speaks Up For Affirmative Action, Military Still Has A Long Way To Go

Prior to a book signing in San Francisco, retired Gen. Colin Powell spoke out in favor of affirmative action programs, saying it is necessary for society to provide corrections for racist practices. Powell also warned that candidates should not use the issue as a “political football.” Rather, Americans should come together and talk the issue […]


Medicare and Medicaid Cuts Disproportionately Affect Women

Hours before the Senate welfare vote, which in effect cuts benefits to millions of poor American families by giving states block grants, House Speaker Newt Gingrinch suggested block granting the Medicaid program. Medicaid provides health care coverage for 36 million poor Americans, the vast majority of whom are single women with children. His proposal would […]


Wells Fargo Opens Credit Line for Businesswomen

Wells Fargo Banks has announced plans to open a one billion dollar credit line for women who have run profitable businesses for at least two years. Bank officials said they hoped to tap into an important resource within the economy. Annually, women-o wned firms in the United States generate $1.4 trillion and employ 15.5 million […]


Helms Amendment Fails

The Senate voted yesterday against an amendment proposed by Senator Jesse Helms (R-NC) which would ban U.S. aid to the United Nations Population Fund. By a vote of 91 to 9 the Senate passed a foreign aid bill which would provide $12.3 billion, $2.4 bi llion less than what President Clinton had requested, for international […]


New Study Published on Mammogram Testing

A study published Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association finds that it’s cost-effective for women to begin yearly mammograms at the age of forty and then have bi-annual tests after the age of fifty. Dr. John Rosenquist and Dr. Karen Lindfors, co-authors of the recently published study, found that it costs $2,972 […]


Welfare Reform: The Senate and House Versions

Now that the Senate has passed its version of the Welfare bill, it goes to a conference committee so that both houses can reach a consenus. Below is a description of the similarities and differences between the House and Senate bills. Both versions abolish the Federal entitlement program, thereby eliminating any guarantee that all poor […]


Senate Votes to Eliminate Welfare Entitlements

In a bi-partisan assault on the federal welfare system, the Sente voted to pass its version of the Welfare Reform Bill. The following twelve Senators voted against the bill: Akaka (D-HI), Bradley (D-NJ), Kennedy (D-MA), Kerrey (D-NB), Lautenberg (D-NJ), Leahy (D-VT), Moseley-Braun (D-IL), Moynihan (D-NY), Sarbanes (D-MD), Simon (D- IL), Wellstone (D-MN), and Faircloth (R-NC).


Study Supports Use of Breast Cancer Drug

A study appearing today in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute finds that the drug tamoxifen helps prevent breast cancer from spreading to the second breast. The study, conducted by Linda Cook a researcher at the Fred Hutchinson Rese arch Center in Seattle, found that treatment with the drug reduced the risk of for […]



I am the director of the National Center for Women and Policing. I spent 23 years in policing and became the first woman Chief of Police of a major city in the United States. For the past three years, I have volunteered hundreds of hours of my time as a member of the Women’s Advisory […]


Senate Expected to Vote on Welfare Reform

The Senate is expected to vote, and pass, today a compromise welfare proposal which puts an end to Aid to Families with Dependent Children, the federal government’s main cash welfare program. Currently, fourteen million Americans, ten million of whom are children, receive benefits from the program. The welfare reform plan eliminates entitlements completely and instead […]


Women Soon to Outpace Males in Lung Cancer Related Fatalities

Dr. Michelle Bloch, Chairwoman of the American Medical Women’s Association, reported at a conference last week that women are dying of lung cancer at increasing rates and will soon die of it in greater number than men. At a conference entitled, “Women & Tobacco…There’s Nothing Glamorous About It,” Block reported that second-hand smoke, especially in […]


Anti-Abortion Activists Follow Powell

Retired General Colin Powell began his twenty-six city, four week book tour on Monday with a new group of followers — anti-abortion activists who protest his pro-choice stance. The protesters plan to follow him on the tour and urge him not to run for president. Powell will announce his decision to run, or not run, […]


FINAL FIELD NOTES FROM BEIJING: Closing Events of Fourth World Conference on Women

Work on the Platform for the Fourth World Conference on Women continued all night on Thursday, as exhausted delegates struggled with the final thorny issues. Friday’s closing events lifted the delegates’ spirits, particularly Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland’s stirring speech, and Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori’s bold rejection of Vatican attacks on family planning programs. […]


Faulkner May Try Again

Shannon Faulkner announced in a court affidavit that she still wishes to graduate from the Citadel. However, so as to avoid the emotional pain and isolation she felt earlier, she would like other women to join her if she re-enters. The Citadel is now fighting a plaintiff motion to add Nancy Mellette, a senior at […]