Women in healthcare are on the frontlines of the response to COVID-19 and are risking their safety every day to save the lives of those who are critically ill right now. Women make up 78% of the healthcare field overall, but consistently make less than their male counterparts across the board. This national Equal Pay Day we […]
Congress Introduces Paycheck Fairness Act to Prevent Pay Discrimination
The Paycheck Fairness Act of 2019 was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate on Wednesday, giving women stronger protections against sex-based pay discrimination and helping ensure pay equity for all women.
Trump Repeals Fair Pay Order
mplemented by President Barack Obama, the 2014 Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces order ensuring that companies with federal contracts are held accountable to fourteen labor laws. This same order goes to lengths to protect women in the work place by addressing two major workplace concerns: pay transparency and proceedings of sexual assault and discrimination claims.
Massachusetts Passes Groundbreaking Equal Pay Law
Today, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker (R) signed into law what is arguably the nation’s strongest equal pay measure.
California Gov. Signs Bill Protecting Workers from Wage Theft
California Gov. Jerry Brown signed a new bill that holds individuals and corporations accountable for unpaid wages promised to their employees under the law.
Activists Rally for Latina Equal Pay Day
Latina women on average have to wait 10 months into the calendar year to be paid the same as white men in the previous year.
Nation’s “Strongest Equal Pay Law” Set to Pass in California
California Governor Jerry Brown has said he will sign the nation’s strongest equal pay law once it reaches his desk.
Equal Pay Day: Promoting the Rights of ALL Workers
Congratulations women, as of today you have earned as much money as your male counterparts did in the year 2010: it only took you 16 months! Equal Pay Day takes place on April 12th each year as a way to symbolize the amount of time women must work into the following year to earn the […]