On January 8th the Maryland House of Delegates introduced a bill, House Bill 53, that would require minors to have written parental consent to get insertive contraceptive devices, such as the intrauterine device (IUD) and implantable rod. This bill does not require parental consent for minors to receive other forms of birth control, such as […]
Study Finds About 4 Percent of Women Are Pregnant When Jailed
A study published in The American Journal of Public Health on Thursday found that about 4 percent of women who were currently incarcerated in state prisons in the United States were pregnant when they were first admitted. While overall prison rates have declined, the number of incarcerated women has been increasing at about a rate […]
Federal Trial Reviews Trump Administration’s Citizenship Question on 2020 Census
A new federal trial began Tuesday in Maryland reviewing concerns that the inclusion of a citizenship question to the 2020 census will depress participation of households with noncitizens just a week after a federal judge in New York barred the Trump administration from adding the question to the survey. The same issue is also being […]
Two Unaffiliated Anti-Abortion Extremists Plead Guilty to FACE Violations
A Joplin, Missouri man was sentenced to 63 months in jail on Tuesday for setting fire to a local mosque and attempting to burn down the town’s Planned Parenthood clinic twice.
Students Fee Might Be Issued to Cover Costs of University of Maryland Title IX Office
The University of Maryland could potentially begin issuing an annual fee of $34 to their students in order to cover the costs of the University’s struggling Title IX office.
Middle School Girls Fight Sexist Dress Code Policy
A group of girls at Urbana Middle School in Frederick County, Maryland are protesting their school’s sexist dress-code policy by wearing large yellow shirts marked “I am more than just a distraction.”
We Must #SayHerName: Korryn Gaines
Korryn Gaines, a 23-year-old African American woman, was shot and killed in her home by Baltimore County police officers on Monday afternoon.
Adults Shout Racist Insults at Girl Scouts Protesting Animal Abuse
A group of young Girl Scouts who were protesting animal abuse received threatening racial insults by adults attending a public Cecil County meeting in Maryland last month.
Maryland Governor Will Not Veto LGBT Rights Bills
The Maryland General Assembly passed SB 743 / HB 862 and SB 416 / HB 838 by wide margins and with bipartisan support on March 24, after which both were sent to the Governor’s desk.
Maryland State Prosecutor Promises Justice for Freddie Gray
The six police officers involved in the arrest of Freddie Gray of Baltimore, Maryland have been charged criminally with offenses ranging from manslaughter to false imprisonment.
Maryland Considers College Sexual Assault Reporting Bill
A Maryland House of Delegates committee heard testimony yesterday on a bill that would require all state universities and colleges to administer an anonymous sexual violence survey every three years — to more accurately determine how many assaults are occurring on campuses — and then report those findings to the Maryland Higher Education Commission.
Gender Gap Decisive in Marriage Equality Victories
Exit poll data revealed a massive and decisive gender gap in voting on the marriage equality ballot measures that just might put to rest once and for all some old gender adages. Women have all too often been cast as the more conservative sex. Nothing could be further from the truth. Women, on the average, […]
Demonstrators Gather for Dr. Carhart’s First Day at Maryland Clinic
Anti-choice organizations staged a demonstration and press conference at the Reproductive Health Services clinic in Germantown, Maryland, where prominent abortion provider Dr. LeRoy Carhart began practicing today. Protesters included the Christian Defense Coalition, Family Research Council, Operation Rescue, Concerned Women for America, Students for Life, and the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform. Montgomery County police and […]