This week, members of the extremist anti-abortion group Operation Save America stormed Indianapolis in an attempt to harass doctors, staff and patients of three local reproductive health clinics. OSA’s leader has made it clear that he believes women should be subject to criminal prosecution—even the death penalty—for accessing an abortion.
Man Pleads Guilty To Threatening Minnesota Abortion Clinics
Anti-abortion extremist Michael John Harris pled guilty on Wednesday to threatening to kill staff, patients, and doctors at two Minnesota reproductive health clinics.
Supreme Court Rejects Latest Delay Tactic by Center for Medical Progress
On Friday, the Supreme Court denied an emergency request from the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) that would have allowed the anti-abortion group to avoid disclosing the names of key supporters “intimately involved in the planning and funding for the Center’s alleged conspiracy.”
WATCH: Rachel Maddow Talks Anti-Choice Extremism with FMF’s National Clinic Access Project Director
Our NCAP Director talked about what’s happening in New Orleans and across the country in the wake of McCullen v. Coakley.
Help Us Protect Clinics!
After today’s SCOTUS ruling, the work of our National Clinic Access Project to defend abortion clinics and providers as well as women seeking health care became exponentially more difficult.
We need your votes!
We’re excited because Working Assets/CREDO has selected the Feminist Majority Foundation as one of the 40 organizations to receive donations in 2013 from the funds it raised this year. BUT we need your help because the amount each of the 40 groups receives depends on the number of votes we get. Please vote for us […]
Standing Up for Charlotte Clinics
Anti-abortion extremist groups – Operation Rescue and Operation Rescue/Operation Save America (OSA) – are out in force in Charlotte, North Carolina. But dozens of pro-choice supporters outnumbered their ranks on Saturday, the first day of the anti-abortion extremists national week-long siege targeting Charlotte clinics.