The Fort Wayne, Indiana Planned Parenthood clinic is closing because of harassment from anti-reproductive rights activists.
Trump Administration Collaborated with Hate Group to Target Planned Parenthood Says Whistleblower
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) colluded with the national hate group Alliance Defending Freedom to rescind Obama-era Medicaid funding protections for Planned Parenthood and other women’s health centers, according to a letter written by Representative Elijah E. Cummings, the Ranking Member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.
Missouri Celebrates an Increases in Abortion Access After Lawsuit
A Planned Parenthood clinic in Missouri will now provide patients access to safe and legal medication abortions. Missouri has some of the toughest laws on abortion and until last week, there was only one abortion clinic in the entire state located in St. Louis.
Senate Healthcare Bill Hits Parliamentarian Road Blocks
Republicans will need 60 votes in the Senate to move forward with some of the worst provisions for women’s health included in their Trumpcare plan, including the defunding of Planned Parenthood, restrictions on abortion coverage, the continuous coverage penalty, and elimination of the guarantee of essential health benefits for Medicaid, among others.
House Passes Bill to Dismantle Healthcare
On Thursday the U.S. House of Representatives passed the American Health Care Act (AHCA), a bill that repeals the Affordable Care Act (ACA), ends Medicaid as we know it, defunds Planned Parenthood, and kicks 24 million people off of health insurance.
Republicans Introduce the First ACA Repeal Bill
By Thursday it had been approved along party lines by the House Energy and Commerce Committee and the Ways and Means Committee.
Planned Parenthood Medicaid Cuts Blocked by Texas Judge
U.S District Judge Sam Sparks ruled that the Texas Health and Human Services Commission provided no tangible evidence to warrant the funding ban.
House Moves to Rescind Protection for Women’s Health Centers
This week the House Rules Committee sent legislation to the House floor that would rescind an Obama administration rule, finalized in December, that is meant to block states from cutting off federal funding to organizations that offer abortion care, ensuring that women’s health centers continue to receive Title X funds for other health services including STI/STD testing, cancer screenings and birth control access.
Planned Parenthood Supporters Appear in Thousands to Counter-Protest Anti-Abortion Groups
Nearly 150 collections of Planned Parenthood supporters turned out, ranging in size from dozens to thousands at parks, government buildings, and clinics in 45 states, and oftentimes even outnumbered the amount of anti-abortion protesters.
House GOP Promises Major Attack on Reproductive Healthcare
House Republicans announced this week that they intend to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and de-fund Planned Parenthood all in one budget “reconciliation” bill, a process that prevents Democrats from filibustering the measure and requires only a 51 vote in the Senate to pass, not the standard 60 vote threshold required for most controversial legislation.
House Select Panel Investigating Abortion Providers Comes to an End
This week the House Select Panel investigating abortion providers finally came to a close after over a year of waging a “McCarthyesque witch hunt,” abusing Congressional authority and subpoena power to intimidate, threaten and endanger the lives of abortion providers and fetal tissue research professionals.
Title X Protections Finalized during Obama Administration’s Last Days
Yesterday, the Department of Health and Human Services under the Obama administration finalized a regulation defending funding for family planning providers, such as Planned Parenthood, through Title X of the Public Health Service Act.
Democratic Members of House Select Investigative Panel Release Report
The Democratic members on the Republican controlled House Select Panel investigating abortion providers released their own report on Monday, outlining independent findings from the over-a-yearlong investigation that is set to cost the American tax payers $1.5 million.
House Select Panel Investigating Abortion Providers Is Playing Politics to Increase Budget
Yesterday the dangerous House Select Panel investigating abortion providers recommended to the attorney general of Texas that Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast be investigated for criminally selling fetal tissue.
Planned Parenthood Shooter in Court as House Select Investigative Panel Continues Witch Hunt
Robert Dear, the man who has admitted to carrying out the 2015 shooting at a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood, was in court again today, as a judge ruled that he is still not mentally competent to stand trial and participate in his own defense.
Anti-Abortion House Panel Seeks to Double Budget
Republicans in the House seek to nearly double the budget of the dangerous Select Investigate Panel that has been spending taxpayer dollars investigating bogus allegations made by the so-called Center for Medical Progress (CMP) against abortion providers and fetal tissue researchers, according to an exclusive article release from Rewire News.
Alaska to Reimburse Planned Parenthood Legal Fees over Parental Notification Law
Alaska must pay the nearly $1 million in legal fees that Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest and the Hawaiian Islands, as well as two Alaskan physicians, incurred fighting the state’s unconstitutional parental notification law.
Federal Judge Permanently Blocks Mississippi’s Planned Parenthood Medicaid Ban
A District Court of Appeals judge ruled last week that Mississippi cannot deny Medicaid funding to Planned Parenthood simply because they offer or are affiliated with abortion services, granting a permanent injunction to two facilities.
Two Unaffiliated Anti-Abortion Extremists Plead Guilty to FACE Violations
A Joplin, Missouri man was sentenced to 63 months in jail on Tuesday for setting fire to a local mosque and attempting to burn down the town’s Planned Parenthood clinic twice.
Planned Parenthood Protected from Medicaid Restrictions in Arkansas
Reproductive health care was protected last week in Arkansas when a U.S. District Court Judge issued a preliminary injunction, temporarily prohibiting blocks on Medicaid funding for Planned Parenthood.