On June 19, Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry signed a Republican-sponsored bill requiring public schools — from kindergarten to university — to display a poster of the Ten Commandments in all classrooms by 2025 to maintain state funding. The law specifies that the poster must be at least 11 feet by 14 feet, with the 10 […]
Southern Baptists Reject Ban on Women Pastors — Substantive or Semantic?
On Wednesday, June 12th, the Southern Baptist Convention voted on a controversial amendment to their constitution — one that would formally ban women from pastoral roles in all affiliated churches. This amendment failed, narrowly missing the 2/3rds supermajority needed by only receiving 61% of the vote. While this measure may have failed, its sheer existence […]
Female pastors ousted from the Southern Baptist Convention
RNS photo by Emily Kask A controversial movement within the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) to remove women from leadership positions has resulted in the expulsion of five female-led churches from the denomination. Among them is the Saddleback Church of California — one of the largest megachurches in the country, with about 30,000 people attending church […]
Attacks on Shia Minorities Increase in Afghanistan
The Taliban intelligence directorate asked school teachers in the Herat province to fill out a form to specify their religious identity, as well as their home address, duty station, and contact information last week. This religious identification requirement caused panic among the Shia minorities living in the Herat province, some of whom strongly opposed the […]
Supreme Court Rules to Uphold Affordable Care Act, Decides Catholic Adoption Agency has Right to Prevent LGBTQ+ Couples from Fostering Children
In a 7-2 decision Thursday, the Supreme Court ruled to leave Affordable Care Act intact, dismissing a challenge made against the ACA by several states led by Texas. The challenge claimed that the ACA’s individual mandate was unconstitutional. The plaintiffs had hoped that a ruling of the individual mandate as unconstitutional would declare every other provision of the ACA, and the entire law itself, unconstitutional as well. This is the third challenge to have been made against the ACA since the […]
U.S. Bishops Meet to Discuss Biden’s Eligibility for Communion In Light of Pro-Choice Policy Support
This week, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops will convene to debate whether President Biden and other Catholic politicians who support access to abortion should be denied Communion for their beliefs on abortion rights. Biden, a devout Catholic, has been denied Communion before for his position on abortion rights. As the first Catholic president since […]
Indian Women Continue Their Struggle to Access Temples
Last week, around five million Indian women formed the “Women’s Wall” in the southern state of Kerala to draw attention to their continued fight to have equal access to religious sites. The five million woman wall stretched 620 kilometers or 385 miles across Kerala, India.
House to Hold Hearing on Anti-LGBTQ Bill One Month After Orlando Shooting
The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee is scheduled to hold a hearing next week on a federal anti-LGBTQ bill, similar to the one that was just blocked by a federal judge in Mississippi. The hearing will take place on Tuesday morning, exactly one month after the Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando that claimed the lives of 49 LGBTQ individuals and allies.
Four Sentenced to Death, Eight to Prison for Brutal Murder of Afghan Woman
The verdict for the 49 men charged with the murder of 27-year- old Farkhunda came yesterday, following a highly publicized and televised week-long trial and public outrage for violence against women in Afghanistan.
Brutally Murdered Afghan Woman Becomes Symbol for Women’s Rights
27-year-old Farkhunda was falsely accused of burning the Koran then brutally murdered. She’s now being held up as a champion of Islam and women’s rights.
Mormon Church Moves To Protect Gay Rights
Leaders of the Mormon Church said it is promising to support housing and job protections for the LGBT community in exchange for legal protections for believers who object to others’ behavior.
Catholic Cardinal Blames Radical Feminists for Pedophilia
The former archbishop of St. Louis has blamed the pedophilia scandals within the Catholic church on men who are “feminized” and on “radical feminism.”
Michigan House Passes “License to Discriminate” Bill
The Michigan House last week voted to pass a bill that gives service providers the right to deny service to anyone who does not adhere to their religious beliefs.
Federal Judge Exempts Another Catholic University from Birth Control Coverage
The founder of Ave Maria University, Tom Monaghan – who also founded Domino’s Pizza – governs the town of Ave Maria. The town only has one OB/GYN and prohibits the distribution of contraception completely.
Religious Leaders Unite in Tennessee and Colorado to Oppose Extreme Anti-Abortion Ballot Measures
Local religious leaders have come together to denounce ballot measures in Tennessee and Colorado that, if passed, would jeopardize access to abortion in those states.
California Reverses Decision Allowing Catholic Colleges to Refuse to Cover Abortion
The state of California had previously allowed insurance companies on two campuses to deny abortion coverage. On Friday, Governor Jerry Brown’s Department of Managed Health Care reversed that decision.
Moral Mondays Movement Expands to Other States for the “Moral Week of Action”
The Moral Mondays movement has announced a Moral Week of Action taking place from August 22 to 28 that will include events and protests in 11 additional states.
Church of England Votes to Allow Women Bishops
The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Rev. Justin Welby, supported the vote, saying he thought the public would find the exclusion of women “almost incomprehensible.”
LGBT Rights Groups Withdraw Support for ENDA Following Hobby Lobby Decision
Several LGBT rights groups have withdrawn their support for the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), citing increased concerns about the religious exemption included in the bill.
Kate Kelly’s Movement Is Not Over
The Mormon church sees Kate Kelly as a woman who is making trouble by stepping out of her gendered role and asking too many questions. I see her as a champion of women’s rights.