
Women’s Vote Threatened in Afghanistan

The participation of many Afghan women in Thursday’s elections is threatened by strict polling regulations and fraud. A severe shortage of female workers to staff women-only polling places will limit the ability of millions of women cast their ballots, reports the Independent UK. The country’s Independent Election Commission says it needs 13,000 additional women to […]


Revised Shia Law Published Days Before Afghanistan Elections

The controversial Shia family law, with some revisions, that restricts the rights of Shia women in Afghanistan was published in the country’s official Gazette on July 27th, making the law’s provisions official. The law applies only to Afghanistan’s 10-20 percent Shia minority. President Hamid Karzai published the law as he courts fundamentalist Shia mullahs in […]


Capitol Hill Briefing Highlights Maternal Health in Afghanistan

Congresswomen and global health administrators held a briefing on Capitol Hill Tuesday to highlight the issue of maternal health in Afghanistan. Afghanistan has the second-highest maternal mortality rate in the world according to UNICEF. Women’s Policy Inc. sponsored the event in collaboration with the Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues. Melanne Verveer, the first-ever Ambassador-at-Large for […]


Afghanistan Amends Shia Law

Afghanistan’s Justice Ministry yesterday released a revision of the controversial Shia law that legalized rape within marriage, among other provisions. The Associated Press reports that the new version omits original provisions that allowed men to demand sex from their wives and that required women to ask their husbands’ permission to leave their home. The law […]


Taliban Executes Young Couple in Afghanistan

A young Afghan couple who tried to elope were publicly executed by a firing squad Monday by the Taliban in Nimroz, a southwestern province. Reports indicate that the couple, 19-year-old Gul Pecha and 21-year-old Abdul Aziz, were convicted of “immoral acts.” Pecha’s parents reportedly had forced her to become engaged to a man she disliked […]


Afghanistan will Review New Shia Law that Restricts Women’s Rights

Afghan President Hamid Karzai announced this weekend that the Afghan government, specifically the minister of justice, will review a new Shia family law he signed sometime last month that would severely restrict women’s rights in Afghanistan. Karzai, according to news sources, signed the bill to court the Hazara vote in the upcoming presidential election. In […]

Afghanistan Global

Afghan Woman Athlete Seeks Political Asylum

Mehbooba Andyar, Afghan’s only female athlete scheduled to compete at the 2008 Summer Olympic Games, disappeared from her training facility in Formia, Italy, on July 4, just weeks before the opening ceremonies. According to Spiegel International, Andyar told her parents she is seeking political asylum in Europe due to death threats spread by extremists who […]


Major Report Reveals Afghanistan Faltering

The Afghan Study Group (ASG), composed of a bipartisan group of leading scholars and experts on Afghanistan, released a report yesterday stating that “the mission to stabilize Afghanistan is faltering”. The report recommended the “decoupling” of Iraq and Afghanistan in both legislative and management processes, appointing a U.S. Special Envoy to Afghanistan, and creating a […]


New Report Shows Hope, Dire Conditions in Afghanistan

The Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission and the United Nations Refugee Agency released a report today assessing the status of economic and social rights in Afghanistan. The second of its kind, the report consolidates interviews with over 11,000 people, many of whom are former refugees, internally displaced persons, members of “vulnerable groups,” and residents in […]