
U.N. Aid Workers Among 12 Killed in Afghanistan

Gunmen in Afghanistan shot and killed 12 people on August 5th, including seven Afghan aid workers employed at the Organization for Mine Clearance and Afghan Rehabilitation. Ravaged by decades of war, Afghanistan is one of the most heavily mined countries in the world. There are an estimated 10 million landmines in Afghanistan. “In the capital, […]


Worst Drought in 30 Years Ravages Afghanistan

Between three and four million people in Afghanistan may starve as a result of severe drought, according to the United Nations World Food Program. The drought comes at a time when people in Afghanistan are suffering from civil war, a devastated economy, and the oppressive aggression of the Taliban regime. Earlier this week the World […]


Taliban Orders Relief Worker to Leave Afghanistan

With the arrest of relief worker Mary MacMakin on July 11 and her deportation ordered by the Taliban on July 12, non-governmential aid organizations in Afghanistan are working in a tense atmosphere. A survey of the 40 international aid organizations in Kabul conducted yesterday revealed that their Afghan women employees had not gone to work, […]


UN report cites continued violations against the rights of women and girls in Afghanistan

UN report cites continued violations against the rights of women and girls in Afghanistan. This week United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan presented his most recent report on the situation in Afghanistan to the U.N. Security Council, citing the ongoing systematic violations of human rights committed by the Taliban regime. Annan reported, “Despite some limited improvements, […]


Fundraiser: Walk for the Women of Afghanistan

Illinois Wesleyan University recently hosted a Walk for the Women of Afghanistan. Thirty people participate in the walk, raising $600 for the Feminist Majority Foundation’s Campaign to Stop Gender Apartheid in Afghanistan. For more information, contact a Field Representative or Ossai Miazad at FMF’s Arlington, VA office, (703) 522-2214.


Support for the Women of Afghanistan

The Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance at Iowa State University recently held a showing of “Shroud of Silence,” the video depicting the lives of Afghani women living under the Taliban regime. There were about 110 people in attendance, with an introduction by Political Science Professor Maryann Fertault.


Taliban Invites Hillary Clinton to Afghanistan

The Taliban militia has invited First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton to visit Afghanistan and view for herself the condition of women there. Taliban foreign ministry said in a statement that Ms. Clinton was welcome to visit Afghanistan and “speak to Afghan women about their rights.” The statement issued by the Taliban on Tuesday claims that […]


RAWA Urges UN to Restore Peace in Afghanistan

The Pakistan-based Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan issued a statement Monday urging the U.N. to take action to bring an end to Afghanistan’s decades-long civil war. “If the U.N. really wants to restore peace to Afghanistan, it should first half supply of arms to the combatants,” read the statement. “Later, tangible moves should […]


Terrorist Claims to Flee Afghanistan

The Afghan Islamic Press has reported that Osama bin Laden, the terrorist accused of bombing U.S. embassies in both Kenya and Tanzania, is leaving the country that has protected him from extradition to the U.S. or a third country. The AIP stated that “Osama has decided to leave Afghanistan because of fears of expected attacks […]


The Red Cross Returns to Afghanistan

After assurances of security protection from the Taliban, the International Red Cross reinstated its operations in the war torn nation. This decision comes after ten Red Cross staff were abducted, robbed, and beaten by members of the Taliban. While waiting for security guarantees from the Taliban, the Red Cross almost fully ceased its operations, which […]


Taliban Targets Media in Afghanistan

On Tuesday, the Taliban’s leader Mullah Mohammed Omar announced that the publication of any information in opposition to the Taliban is a crime punished by a 5-year jail sentence. This comes in response to reports that the security of foreign aid workers in Afghanistan is not guaranteed. Omar stated that “Incorrect information that the security […]


U.N. Resolution Condemns Human Rights Violations in Afghanistan

The United Nations Human Rights Commission adopted a resolution condemning “widespread” human rights violations in Afghanistan Friday. The resolution was adopted by consensus and particularly stressed the abuse of women and girls by the fundamentalist Taliban regime. The commission urged warring Afghan factions to end all human rights violations “without delay” and to repeal all […]


Afghanistan Fares Poorly in Human Rights Report

Dr. Komal Hossain, U.N. Special Rapporteur to Afghanistan, presented a report on the status of human rights in Afghanistan to the 55th Session of the U.N. Human Rights Commission yesterday in Geneva. Hossain reported that Taliban officials have made no significant changes regarding women’s human rights. At a news conference, he characterized the situation for […]


U.N. Workers to Return to Afghanistan

Last August, forty United Nations foreign staff members were withdrawn from Afghanistan after Carmine Calo, a military advisor to the United Nations, was murdered in Kabul. Calo was murdered in retaliation for U.S. missile raids. The U.N. is now preparing to return a limited number of its international staff to Afghanistan. Before all employees return […]


Victory! Unocal Quits Afghanistan Pipeline Project

In a stunning victory for the Feminist Majority’s “Stop Gender Apartheid in Afghanistan!” campaign, Unocal Corporation has withdrawn its support from plans to build an $8 billion dollar oil pipeline through Afghanistan. The New York Times reported Saturday that low oil prices, pressure from feminist groups, and concern over the Taliban’s harboring of suspected terrorist […]


UN Team Allowed into Central Afghanistan

The Taliban militia have come to an agreement to allow an United Nations assessment team access to the Bamiyan province in Afghanistan to determine the need for winter food aid. Deep snows throughout Bamiyan province make access to this central region difficult. Winter conditions last year cut off supplies to the region which led to […]