Trump Plans to Reinstate Ban on Transgender Troops

President Trump announced via Twitter on Wednesday morning that he plans to reinstate a ban on transgender individuals serving military “in any capacity” in the United States military. There are currently 1,320 to 6,630 transgender people serving in the military.


Texas Supreme Court Undermines Marriage Equality

On Friday the Texas Supreme Court discarded a lower court’s ruling that spouses of gay and lesbian public employees are entitled to government-subsidized marriage benefits. The court argued that, although Obergefell v. Hodges requires states to license and recognize same-sex marriages, it does not mandate that states “provide the same publicly funded benefits to all married persons.”


North Carolina Lawmakers Roll Back Anti-LGBTQ Repeal Bill

The new bill, while repealing the language of HB2, does little to overhaul the harmful impact of the law. The North Carolina General Assembly will still have authority to pass laws over access to multi-stall restrooms and bar local governments from putting forward nondiscrimination ordinances until 2020.