In the United States, the path to accessible birth control pills hasn’t always been easy. Although the first FDA-approved birth control pill became available in 1960, the Comstock Act (a 150 year old “chastity law”) has created barriers to accessing it. These barriers were not challenged until Griswold v. Connecticut in 1965, when the Supreme […]
Urgent: Act Now on Human Rights Day!
The United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights, established in 1948, states in Article 25 that every person has the right to medical care for both themselves and their families. A vital component of women’s healthcare is access to contraceptives and full reproductive healthcare, including abortion — but this fundamental human right is being denied even in the United States.
Missouri Lawmaker Files Lawsuit Against Obamacare
The Thomas More Society has filed a lawsuit challenging Obamacare on behalf of Missouri state Representative Paul Joseph Wieland (R-Imperial) and his wife on Tuesday.
Hobby Lobby Win Injunction Against Birth Control Mandate
After receiving a temporary injunction from US District Judge Joe Heaton last week, Hobby Lobby will now be exempted from the Affordable Care Act stipulation that requires employer-based insurance plans to cover various birth control methods at no extra cost to employees until October 1, 2013.
Roundtable: Our Experiences Buying Plan B
“I also bought some Advil and a Dr. Pepper. Made my flight. It should always be that simple.”