Over the past decade, the cost of giving birth in a hospital has skyrocketed, leaving many new families burdened with medical debt on top of the stress of caring for a newborn. On average, hospital births cost $18,865, encompassing pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum care. Even with private insurance, families can expect to pay around $3,000 […]
Women Make Up the Majority of COVID-19 Job Losses in the U.S.
Though they make up only half the U.S. workforce, women make up 55 percent of those currently unemployed due to COVID-19, effectively erasing the gains made in workplace equality since the recession of 2008. The current unemployment crisis has been deemed a “she-cession” by C. Nicole Mason, president and chief executive of the Institute for […]
Gender Wage Gap Larger Than Previously Thought
The Institute for Women’s Policy Research released a new study that claims that women today earn only 49 cents to a man’s dollar, not the 80 cents previously stated. While the earnings gap between men and women has narrowed, progress in the past 15 years has decreased. However the study does not break the findings […]
New York City’s Youngest Residents Head to Free Preschool
Thousands of pre-schoolers in New York City will begin school this week, in the second year of the City’s fully-funded pre-kindergarten program.