A federal court yesterday struck down Oregon’s state constitutional ban on same-sex marriage, finding that the ban violated the Equal Protection Clause of the US Constitution. Minutes later, officials in Oregon began issuing marriage licenses to gay and lesbian couples who had been eagerly awaiting the decision, some having camped out in front of a Portland […]
Arkansas Same-Sex Marriage Ban Struck Down
An Arkansas state judge struck down an Arkansas law and state constitutional amendment defining marriage as only between a man and a woman.
Federal Judge Strikes Down Texas Gay Marriage Ban
“Those in control of this state need to stop fighting the future. They must stop governing by fear. They must stop pretending there’s some security blanket in laws that treat others unfairly.”
Republican Senators Introduce Bill to Limit Benefits for Same-Sex Spouses
Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Mike Lee (R-UT) introduced a bill last week that would give states the power to decide whether to give married lesbian and gay couples the same federal benefits that heterosexual married couples receive.
Kansas Senate Comes Out Against Anti-Gay Legislation
If signed into law, HB 2453 would allow the refusal of government services to same-sex couples, as well as private services such as access to stores and medical services, making LGBTQ people effectively second-class citizens.
Judge Declares Virginia Same-Sex Marriage Ban Unconstitutional
“The plaintiffs ask for nothing more than to exercise a right that is enjoyed by the vast majority of Virginia’s adult citizens.”
Federal Court Hears Challenge to Texas Ban on Same-Sex Marriage
Two same-sex couples in Texas have asked a federal judge to hear their case challenging the 2005 amendment to the state constitution banning same-sex marriage. The couples will appear today in a San Antonio federal district court.
Justice Department Will Recognize Same-Sex Marriages in All Programs
“As all-important as the fight against racial discrimination was then, and remains today, know this: My commitment to confronting discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity runs just as deep.”
REPORT: While Marriage Equality Expands Nationwide, Other LGBT Needs Remain Unmet
“While the past two years have shown incredible gains toward securing the freedom to marry for same-sex couples, the LGBT movement still has a long way to go to achieve full equality and broad acceptance for LGBT people across the nation.”
Oklahoma Same-Sex Marriage Ban Ruled Unconstitutional
A federal judge ruled late yesterday that Oklahoma’s constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriages violates the US constitution.
US Government Will Recognize Utah Same-Sex Marriages
The United States Department of Justice (DOJ) announced Friday that it will recognize the approximately 1,300 marriages of same-sex couples who married in Utah in the past few weeks. The legal battle over same-sex marriage has been progressing quickly in Utah after US District Judge Robert Shelby ruled on December 20 that Utah’s ban on […]
Supreme Court Temporarily Halts Same Sex Marriages in Utah
The Supreme Court issued a temporary order today blocking new same-sex marriages in Utah in order to allow more time for a federal appeals court to consider the issue.
Hawaii Governor Signs Marriage Equality Bill
“We have moved into a new era of Aloha for same-sex couples, who can now share in the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
New Mexico Supreme Court Hears Arguments on Marriage Equality
Although the Court has not expressed when it will make its decision, it will allow same-sex marriages to continue pending the outcome.
Same-Sex Couples Marry in New Jersey
“I know some political leaders think it’s too soon. But civil rights always come too soon for those in a position of power and never soon enough for those who have been denied, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
DOMA Speaks, States React: The Marriage Equality Movement Goes to Pennsylvania and Beyond
Different states have had different reactions to the recent SCOTUS decision. Some state policies remain relatively similar to what they were before the decision and some states are taking action to pass same-sex marriage laws. Here’s the latest on the new frontier of marriage equality: a state-by-state strategy to legalize gay partnerships.
From the Other Side: Prop 8 Through The Eyes of an Ex-Mormon
In 2008, I was a Mormon sitting on the receiving end of congregational announcements about Prop 8.
Supreme Court Rules In Favor Marriage Equality
Today the Supreme Court handed down two decisions affirming marriage rights for same-sex couples in the cases of US v Windsor and Hollingsworth v Perry.
Senator Lisa Murkowski Endorses Same-Sex Marriage
Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski came out in support of same-sex marriage Wednesday during an interview with Anchorage television station KTUU. She also posted an op-ed about her position on her Senate website.
Gay Marriage is About to Have Its Golden Moment, But What About the Rest of Us?
As we await the SCOTUS ruling on Proposition 8, I can’t help but be bothered that there are many more urgent, pressing issues facing the LGBTQ community.