A recent report by the Girl Scouts Research Institute shows that the Midwest, Northeast, and Mid-Atlantic are the best regions of the United States to raise girls, while the South – specifically Mississippi, Arkansas, and Georgia – is the worst.
Moral Mondays Movement Expands to Other States for the “Moral Week of Action”
The Moral Mondays movement has announced a Moral Week of Action taking place from August 22 to 28 that will include events and protests in 11 additional states.
Mississippi Attorney General Pushes to Close the State’s Last Clinic
Jim Hood is asking the full US Circuit Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit to reverse a panel decision that upheld a preliminary injunction of Mississippi’s TRAP law, allowing the state’s only abortion clinic to remain open.
Fifth Circuit Court Rules In Favor Of Mississippi’s Last Clinic
Mississippi’s last remaining abortion clinic will remain open after a the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit upheld a preliminary injunction against HB 1390, the Mississippi TRAP law requiring abortion providers to obtain admitting privileges at area hospitals.
Three Anti-Abortion Extremists Sentenced In Mississippi
Three of four anti-abortion extremists were found guilty for activities carried out during protests against the state’s last-standing abortion clinic.
Restrictive Abortion Laws Take Effect in Mississippi and Florida
Mississippi law now bans abortion 20 weeks after a woman’s last menstrual period, and a new Florida law went into effect banning abortion at any point in the pregnancy once a fetus is deemed viable unless two doctors certify in writing that it is necessary to protect the health and life of the woman.
Mississippi Governor Signs 20-Week Abortion Ban Into Law
“It’s time for these politicians to stop passing laws that attack constitutionally protected women’s health care and finally focus on policies that would support the health, lives, and rights of Mississippi women and families.”
Mississippi Governor Poised To Sign 20-Week Abortion Ban
The Mississippi legislature passed a bill Tuesday that will ban abortion at 20 weeks.
Trial Set for Mississippi Anti-Abortion Law
A date has been set for the case against an anti-abortion law that could shut down the last abortion clinic in Mississippi.
In Mississippi, and in Every State, We ARE a Pro-Choice, Pro-Birth Control Nation
By duVergne Gaines I just returned from the front lines in Mississippi, where students on campuses across the state united and mobilized to defeat the so-called “personhood” amendment. In the beginning, many political pundits made it sound as though Initiative 26 was a fait accompli. From the day I landed in Jackson to stay […]
HERvotes Takes On the Mississippi “Personhood” Amendment
Welcome to the fourth #HERVotes Blog Carnival! This time, we’re writing with an especially urgent focus. There’s an extremely dangerous constitutional amendment to the Mississippi state constitution on the November 8th ballot. It grants personhood and constitutional rights to a fertilized egg. Election day is just one week away. We must stop the outrageous movement […]