Abortion Health Reproductive Rights

FACE Act Anniversary Prompts Concerns of Enforcement Under Trump Administration

On the anniversary of the federal Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, advocates for abortion access fear that an increase in anti-abortion violence will be met with limited enforcement by the Trump administration, which has shown unprecedented support for restricting abortion access. Signed into law by President Bill Clinton on May 26, 1994, […]


Standing Up for Charlotte Clinics

Anti-abortion extremist groups – Operation Rescue and Operation Rescue/Operation Save America (OSA) – are out in force in Charlotte, North Carolina. But dozens of pro-choice supporters outnumbered their ranks on Saturday, the first day of the anti-abortion extremists national week-long siege targeting Charlotte clinics.

Abortion Reproductive Rights

Orlando Update: Clinics Remain Open in Face of Anti-Abortion “Siege”

By Christie Thompson The weeklong Operation Rescue/Operation Save America (OR/OSA) “siege” of Orlando has just two days left, and area women’s health care providers have successfully remained open and operating throughout. The anti-abortion extremist group targeted seven different clinics over the course of the week, surrounding offices and harassing both staff and patients. Organizers from […]


From the Front Lines: Charlotte, NC

Operation Rescue/Operation Save America has chosen Family Reproductive Health and other surrounding clinics in Charlotte, North Carolina as the focus of their 2010 clinic siege from July 17th to July 24th. Featuring the tagline “The King is Coming to the Queen City,” OR/OSA has put out the call that “God Himself is calling us to […]