I do not thank my Mama for not aborting me anymore than I blame her for the miscarriage she had when I was in the 2nd grade. Another healthy baby girl joined our family years after and she has our Mama’s eyes.
My Abortion Story
I wish pro-lifers pushing new Texas laws understood: Hearing my little girl’s heartbeat would have been unbearable.
Military Abortion Rights: Boxing In Women Who Serve
Military families not only bear the full burden of costs for abortion care but, in some circumstances, are also actively blocked from receiving it even with out-of-pocket funds.
Graduate Baby Blues: When Pregnancy and College Don’t Mix
This piece is my story about my journey to choice.
Our #AbortionMatters Blog Carnival
Consider this post home base for our weekend-long series!
RH Reality Check Analysis Finds Abortion Heavily Regulated Across the Country
“An analysis of these documents shows that congressional Republicans will find no support for their arguments in favor of new restrictions on abortion care in the evidence presented by the states.”
Pregnancy Pricetags, Impossible Choices: Women in the US Are Between A Rock and a Hard Place
When women get pregnant in America, they pay more and die more than women in other industrialized nations.
Cuccinelli Gets His Way — VA Board of Health Reverses Decision
Today the Virginia Board of Health met and voted 13-2 to reverse their June decision to grandfather in existing clinics, exempting them from new, hospital-like restrictions for the state’s abortion clinics, commonly called TRAP laws or Targeted Regulations of Abortion Providers. Instead, the board has allowed existing clinics to come into compliance with regulations within […]
It’s Trust Women Week—Join the Online March
2011 brought an unprecedented assault by anti-abortion and anti-contraception state legislatures on women’s reproductive health—135 reproductive rights laws were enacted in 36 states, 68 percent of which restrict access to abortion. Reproductive-rights groups are fighting back with a simple but powerful pro-choice message: Trust women. The Silver Ribbon Campaign to Trust Women, a coalition of 42 […]