Afghanistan Global Health

Taliban Bans the Selling of Contraceptives in Afghanistan

In the latest attack on women, the Taliban has ordered pharmacies in Kabul and Mazar-e-Sharif to stop selling any form of contraceptives. The Taliban has called family planning and the use of contraception “Western” and “forbidden” in their interpretation of Sharia law. Mazar-e-Sharif is the largest city in northern Afghanistan, where many family planning programs […]


Year In Review: The Taliban in Power

Human rights were curtailed, women were relegated to their homes and a worsening economic crisis The Taliban has been in power in Afghanistan for one year, and during this year, the Afghan people, especially Afghan women, have experienced a systemic reduction of their human rights and freedoms. The Taliban regime has eroded much of the […]


United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan

Human Rights in Afghanistan: 15 August 2021 to 15 June 2022 Following the withdrawal of foreign troops and the establishment of the Taliban as the de facto authorities in Afghanistan, there has been a sharp reduction in civilian casualties. Without ongoing hostilities between the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) and the Taliban, civilian […]


Timeline of Taliban Restrictions of Women’s Rights

August 2021 On August 25, the Taliban issued a temporary advisory for women to stay home from work and nonessential travel “for their safety”. At a news conference, Taliban spokesperson Zabiullah Mujahid said women should remain at home because Taliban soldiers were not trained to respect them. Mujahid explained this decision would ensure that women […]

Afghanistan Global

Taliban Reverses Pledge and Keeps Girls Schools Closed

Despite much anticipation, the Taliban regime announced today that girls’ schools from grades 7-12 would remain closed until they have a plan. The Taliban statement read that “we inform all girls’ high schools and those schools with female students above class six that they are off until the next order.” Devastated teachers and students around […]

Afghanistan Global

Afghan Women Risk their Lives to Protest Taliban’s Brutality and Harsh Restrictions

Afghan women activists gathered in front of Kabul University this past Sunday, January 16, demanding their rights and justice over the fatal shooting of Zainab Abdullahi at a Taliban checkpoint, the disappearance of Herat women’s prison manager Alia Azizi, as well as the alleged torture of women protesters in Mazar-e-Sharif, the fourth largest city in Afghanistan. […]

Afghanistan Global

Women Protest in Kabul for Food, Work and Equality

Dozens of brave Afghan women in Kabul staged a rally against the spread of poverty today calling for food, work, equality and full participation in all social, economic, and political spheres. The women marched through Kabul holding banners that demanded women’s political participation and release of Afghanistan’s frozen assets by the international community. “We are […]

Afghanistan Global

Amnesty International Calls for International Aid to Immediately Help Afghan Women and Girls

New research conducted by Amnesty International reveals that “women and girl survivors of gender-based violence have essentially been abandoned in Afghanistan. Their network of support has been dismantled, and their places of refuge have all but disappeared,” said Agnès Callamard, Amnesty International’s Secretary General. In interviews by the Amnesty International, 26 survivors and service providers […]

Afghanistan Global Womens Rights

Afghan Women Judges Targeted by Taliban

Afghan women judges who presided over abuse cases are being threatened by the Taliban. Currently, their lives and the lives of their families are in danger, as members of the Taliban are tracking down and killing women justices for their commitment to gaining justice for women survivors. There are currently more than 200 women judges […]

Afghanistan Global

Attacks on Shia Minorities Increase in Afghanistan

The Taliban intelligence directorate asked school teachers in the Herat province to fill out a form to specify their religious identity, as well as their home address, duty station, and contact information last week.  This religious identification requirement caused panic among the Shia minorities living in the Herat province, some of whom strongly opposed the […]

Afghanistan Global Womens Rights

Afghan Women’s Rights Activists Murdered

Last week, bodies of four Afghan women’s activists were discovered in Mazar-i-Sharif, northern Afghanistan. One of the victims was identified as Frozan Safi, a 30-year-old activist and private university economics lecturer. According to Safi’s family, she left her home on October 27 after she received an anonymous call asking her to collect her documents because […]

Afghanistan Education Global Womens Rights

Two Months in, the Taliban Continues to Abandon Girls’ Education

Earlier this week, at a speaking engagement in Doha, the foreign minister of the Taliban, Amir Khan Mottaqi avoided answering questions about education for women and girls and reiterated that they need more time on girls’ education. In response to questions on girls’ education, the Minister used “cultural appropriations” as the argument for not allowing […]

Afghanistan Global Womens Rights

Taliban Killings of Hazaras Continue

Evidence found by Amnesty International shows that Taliban forces unlawfully killed 13 Hazaras who are Shia Muslims, including a teenage girl and eleven Hazara members of the former Afghan National Defense Security Forces (ANDSF) in Daykundi province on August 30. A previous Amnesty report released in August also found that the Taliban had “massacred” nine […]

Afghanistan Global Womens Rights

The Taliban Announces Additional Government Officials, All Members of Their Old Guard

Early this week, the Taliban announced additional members of their cabinet, and once again, all of them are the old guard of the Taliban, despite promises of an inclusive government during peace talks. The 38 new members of the interim government of the Taliban were appointed to military and civilian positions. On September 7th, the Taliban announced […]