
HERvotes Blog Carnival: Economic Security

by Terry O’Neill, National Organization for Women In time for Mothers Day, the 12th HERvotes blog carnival is dedicated to getting the word out about economic security for women, especially in their retirement years.  Women need better benefits — not cuts — under social safety net programs. The economic slump in both the U.S. and […]


HERvotes: How the Youth, Women and Minority Vote are at Stake in 2012

By Francesca Witcher This post is part of the #Hervotes Blog Carnival and was originally posted on the Feminist Campus Blog. The Feminist Majority Foundation and Ms. Magazine are partnering with other organizations that represent women and people of color in a Health and Economic Right or HERvotes initiative for the election in 2012. FMF’s […]


Vote Like Your Life Depends on It. Because It Does.

This Friday marks the 91st anniversary of women’s suffrage in the U.S. Yes, many of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers lived in a time when they weren’t allowed to vote. And for African Americans, the right to vote didn’t truly come into full effect until the Voting Rights Act of 1965. But now, armed with that […]


HERVotes: Why Women Must Vote in 2012

This blog is part of the #HERvotes blog carnival. The Feminist Majority Foundation is proud to join a major coalition of organizations, HERvotes, which is growing, representing millions of American women in an effort to mobilize women voters in 2012 around preserving women’s Health and Economic rights. Right now, a slew of historic gains for women […]