Senate Committee Approves Sutton; Estrada Debate Continues

As the Senate floor debate on the nomination of Miguel Estrada raged on, the Senate Judiciary Committee approved, with a vote of 11-8, the nomination of far-rightJeffrey Sutton, nominated to the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals. The committee then delayed votes on two other controversial nominees – Deborah Cook, also nominated to the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, and John Roberts, nominated for the DC Circuit Court of Appeals.

Unlike Estrada, who refuses to answer questions concerning his positions, the records of Sutton, Cook and Roberts are quite clear on civil rights and women’s rights. All three have indicated that they oppose the right to safe, legal abortion, protection from discrimination based on disability and age, and worker’s rights. In an obvious effort to pack the courts with far-right nominees, Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Orrin Hatch (R-UT) held one hearing for all three nominees late last month.

For more on this story and the latest feminist news, visit

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Appreciate Your Providers! March 10th, Refuse and Resist National Day of Action

In celebration of the National Day of Appreciation for Abortion Providers on March 10th, the Reproductive Freedom Task Force (RFTF) of Refuse & Resist! invites you honor the doctors, clinic workers, and all other providers who make “choice” a reality for women. The RFTF of Refuse and Resist conceived the Day of Appreciation as a way of thanking providers for their commitment to women’s health. For more information on the National Day of Appreciation for Abortion Providers, go to: or call Refuse & Resist! at 212-713-5657.

Download an organizing kit with action ideas, sample press release, resources, and more!

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Mid-Atlantic Women’s Rights and Empowerment Conference

Feminists from JAMES MADISON UNIVERSITY in Harrisonburg, Virginia, are organizing and hosting the 2003 Mid-Atlantic Women’s Rights and Empowerment Conference from March 25 – 30. Workshops include the Female Sex Revolution, the Equal Rights Ammendment, and more! Headlining the event is author Inga Muscio, Dr. Greer Wilson, and Dr. Dorie Rothman. For more information and to register, visit or e-mail

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Poll, Protests Worldwide Show Strong Opposition to Iraq War

Protests held in cities all over the world, including New York City, London, Rome, Barcelona, and Madrid, demonstrated broad and widespread opposition to the potential US war against Iraq. In addition, a recent Gallup poll shows a large gender gap in opposition to war in the US, with 31 percent of women versus 15 percent of men saying they do not want the US to send troops to Iraq at all. In addition, 37 percent of women believe troops should be sent with United Nations (UN) support, while 52 percent of men think troops should be sent even if the UN votes against military action in Iraq, according to Gallup.

Protest organizers estimate that attendance in New York this weekend was almost half a million, with over 10 million people participating in protests worldwide, though police estimates were lower. National Organization for Women president Kim Gandy, one of the speakers in New York, said in a press statement that “the real terrorism is the Bush administration’s disregard for international law and destruction of civil liberties at home. This has become an issue of one dictator versus another.”

Despite the massive protests, President Bush said yesterday that he will continue his push to disarm Iraq, by force if necessary. Bush is calling for a second United Nations resolution stating that Iraq has refused to disarm and now faces “serious consequences,” according to the New York Times. France’s president Jacques Chirac has already made it clear that France will oppose the resolution, which has also received criticism by Germany’s chancellor Gerhard Schroder, the Times reports. Britain’s prime minister Tony Blair has come under immense criticism for his pro-war stance. The antiwar rally in London was the largest political rally in Britain’s history. Events planned for International Women’s Day on Saturday, March 8, will draw antiwar activists to Washington, DC, in a “march to encircle the White House,” according to Code Pink, a women’s peace group. Code Pink, along with UnReasonable Women for the Earth and United for Peace, has also been coordinating the Women’s Peace Vigil, a constant presence in front of the White House that will end with the rally and march on International Women’s Day. Members of Code Pink traveled to Iraq on a peace mission in early February, joining other women’s groups from Europe, Australia, and Rwanda to protest US military action against Iraq.

The Feminist Majority joins the Code Pink, National Organization for Women, and other progressive groups in urging our elected officials to employ diplomacy to the fullest extent to avoid unnecessary war with Iraq.

TAKE ACTION Find out more about the International Women’s Day March to Encircle to White House

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Global Women’s Voices: Share Personal Stories is proud to announce a new section of the site dedicated to the sharing of personal accounts of women’s experiences with reproductive healthcare and family planning from around the globe. We are soliciting stories from women who have sought abortion, contraception, or family planning services and from service providers such as clinic staff and abortion providers, to share their experiences.

As we collect these stories, they will form a resource for journalists covering reproductive rights, and organizations trying to influence policy makers. In addition to the staggering statistics of the numbers of women who seek illegal abortion around the world, we want to hear and share their stories and struggles. The stories will also serve to connect women and activists living and working in countries around the world in order to strengthen organizing across national boundaries.

We’re accepting stories in Spanish, French, Portuguese and English. Please visit to read stories already posted and share your experiences.

LEARN MORE Click here to read women’s narratives about barriers or successes in accessing reproductive health and family planning services.

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Study & Action Manual: Promote the Pro-Choice Message

Support for abortion rights is across the board, with the majority of women and men, Democrats and Republicans, and every age and racial group believing women should have the right to decide whether or not to terminate a pregnancy. Knowing the general trends in attitudes toward abortion is important in shaping your on-campus actions throughout the year. Visit for action ideas and information on pro-choice support across the country.

For more action ideas on feminist leadership, careers, reproductive rights, and fighting the right-wing backlash, check out the Study and Action Manual online,

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Featured Choices Action: Roe v. Wade Events

Hosting a pro-choice film fest for Roe v. Wade? Inviting speakers to talk about abortion in the US? Share your ideas for more pro-choice activism for the 30th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade.

We are proud to feature the WINONA STATE UNIVERSITY (MN) events posted in the Choices Action Database. Feminists at WSU are working with Minnesota National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action Leage (MN ANARAL) to sponsor three events, including a talk with MN NARAL Executive Director, a performance of Paula Kamen’s play “Jane: Abortion and the Underground,” and a screening of “The Fragile Promise of Choice: Abortion in the United States Today.” Check out Paula Kamen’s special letter to FMLA and activists,

The BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY FMLA will host a Rock for Choice concert on January 25th , and plans to raise awareness about the threats to abortion access and reproductive rights and have a rocking good time! Contact for more details.

Hundreds of FMLA activists from campuses across the country plan on meeting in DC for the FMF Never Go Back National Student Conference. See Campus News below for more details!

What are you doing for Roe? Login and post your action ideas or past Roe events,

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FeministCampus Featured ‘Judging Amy’ Co-Star, Amy Brenneman, PEP Exec Director and FMF Campus Program Director featured several Roe v. Wade chats for planning events and to celebrate 30 years of Roe v. Wade. Read about how Amy Brenneman, star of Judging Amy, came to find her feminist roots! Visit the chat transcripts today,

Hear about message development and event planning tips from Alea Woodlee, Director of the Pro-Choice Public Education Project and read ideas for pro-choice events from Katherine Minarik, Director of Campus Programs on the chat transcripts,

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Featured Choices Action: Get Emergency Contraception on Campus, Over-the-Counter

The USC FMLA worked with the Campus Health Center to create a CD-ROM to publicize and educate students about Emergency Contraception. At the time, EC was just made available through the campus pharmacy but not advertised. The FMLA wanted to have better relations with health center and a number of FMLA members are peer health members, so members of the group met with the health center staff to start a dialogue. The Health Center Director told them about a CD-Rom they distribute for people with back problems and asked if there were any health issues that the FMLA could use to create for students. The group immediately thought of emergency contraception. The FMLA is still working with the Health Center to produce and distribute this CD-ROM about accessing and using EC on campus.

Have you organized events to promote emergency contraception access on campus? Post your action ideas or past Roe events on

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Students Commemorate 30th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade In DC and On Campuses

Hundreds of students from across the country traveled to Washington D.C. last week for the Feminist Majority Foundation’s Never Go Back National Student Leadership Conference. Students learned leadership and mobilization strategies for advancing pro-choice grassroots campaigns, trained to be stronger advocates of reproductive freedom, visited legislators on Capitol Hill to show support for abortion rights, and heard from such renowned feminist leaders like Eleanor Smeal, President of the Feminist Majority Foundation; Kim Gandy, President of the National Organization for Women; Gloria Feldt, President of Planned Parenthood; Kate Michelman, President of NARAL Pro-Choice America; Dr. Jane Smith, CEO of Business and Professional Women/USA; Senator Barbara Boxer (CA); Representative Sheila Jackson Lee (TX); Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (DC); Martha Burk, chair of the National Council of Women’s Organizations (NCWO); Donna Brazile, political organizer and former campaign manager for Al Gore; and Pamela Bridgewater, legal expert and American University Law Professor.

Leaders from the Leadership Alliances at SUNY NEW PALTZ and CERRITOS COLLEGE made special presentations during the general sessions to share their strategies for advancing feminist activism on campuses and mobilizing campus support for increased Emergency Contraception access. Nearly 400 feminist activists from over 114 campuses were in attendance, including large delegations from AMERICAN UNIVERSITY, BOSTON UNIVERSITY, BOWDOIN COLLEGE, EAST TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY, FROSTBURG STATE UNIVERSITY, GEORGE WASHINGTON, KEENE STATE, OLD DOMINION UNIVERSITY, SAINT MARY’S COLLEGE OF INDIANA, SPELMAN COLLEGE, SUNY NEW PALTZ, UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URBANA-CHAMPAIGN, UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA — TAMPA, VASSAR COLLEGE, WESTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY, and XAVIER COLLEGE!

Students were excited to take the conference and campaigns back to their campus, according to Ellie Doig, FMLA activist, “I came down from BOWDOIN COLLEGE in Maine and it was well worth the trip! There is nothing comparable I could have experienced up here. The speakers, the amount of fellow feminist students I got to meet. All of it was new for me and has made a huge impact on me.” Throughout the day, FMLA activists were involved in press events and interviews, including Jen Heitel, a GWU FMLA leader who successfully debated an anti-choice activist on MSNBC. Heitel, along with Katie Del Guercio from the BROWN UNIVERSITY FMLA and Melissa Jones from the AUBURN UNIVERSITY FMLA also participated in a national pro-choice press conference sponsored by a coalition of feminist organizations in Washington, D.C. Karen Pinaud, Cerritos Community College FMLA leader, was interviewed in Spanish by CNN en Espanol about the importance of reproductive rights for young women.

The INDIANA UNIVERSITY AT BLOOMINGTON FMLA sent representatives to the Never Go Back Conference in DC and to the local Planned Parenthood rally. In addition, they organized a special “Did You Know?” hanger project, flyering with the Pro-Choice Public Education Project’s glossy posters and posting hangers around campus with facts about abortion access attached to them to educate students of the consequences if Roe v. Wade is overturned. The group hopes to organize a rally in their community for the next anniversary of Roe v. Wade.

Commemorating the 30th anniversary of Roe v. Wade on their campus, the CENTRAL MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance organized a pro-choice complete with an art show, music, and food. The BRANDEIS Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance hosted a “Rock for Choice” benefit concert with 6 local area bands and performance artists to raise funds and awareness for the Feminist Majority Foundation’s Never Go Back Campaign. The UNIVERSITY OF MILWAUKEE FMLA affiliate co-sponsored with their campus VOX and hosted a benefit concert for Roe v. Wade.

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FMF Campus Program Welcome New Groups

Big feminist welcome to new FMLAs and affiliates, the UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA – TWIN CITIES FMLA, CLARK UNIVERSITY affiliate, UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN RIVER FALLS affiliate, DUKE UNIVERSITY FMLA, GEORGIA STATE UNIVERSITY affiliate, WINONA STATE UNIVERSITY FORGE affiliate, and the Downer Feminist Council at LAWRENCE UNIVERSITY, an FMLA affiliate. Welcome and we look forward to sharing your events in the Choices E-zine!

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George Washington FMLA Hosts PEP Interactive Action Briefing

Last semester, the GEORGE WASHINGTON FMLA hosted an Interactive Action Briefing with the Pro-Choice Public Education Project. PEP Young Women’s Leadership Council members Sarah Joy Albrecht from the Center for Health and Gender Equity and Jenn Heitel, an GWU FMLA activist were speakers at the briefing hosted by the GWU FMLA and Voters For Choice chapters. Students from the GWU Student Global AIDS Campaign and Sierra Club were also in attendance during this training session on PEP’s cutting edge research and media on young women and reproductive rights.

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Breaking News: Commission Undercuts Title IX, Women’s Groups Protest

The Commission for Educational Opportunities – appointed by President Bush to “review” Title IX – voted to allow interest surveys be used as a tool in enforcing Title IX and to redefine proportionality to allow more discrimination. Both measures weaken the enforcement of Title IX, the 1972 law that mandates gender equity in federally funded education, including athletic programs in public high schools and colleges. Commissioner Julie Foudy, a member of the U.S. women’s national soccer team, led the fight within the panel to protect Title IX, but the Commission was stacked against supporters for the landmark law.

Women’s groups have vowed to fight the attack on Title IX, rallying outside of the Hotel Washington, where the Commission meetings were being held. In the audience at the hearings were Eleanor Smeal, president of the Feminist Majority, Kim Gandy, president of the National Organization for Women and Martha Burk, president of the National Council of Women’s Organizations, former Senator Birch Bayh (IN), as well as Donna Lopiano of the Women’s Sports Foundation and leaders of the National Women’s Law Center. Sharyn Tejani, legal director of the Feminist Majority, and Smeal spent the day briefing press on the impact of Title IX on women and girls.

“This is not about sports,” said Smeal. “This is about jobs.” Smeal referred to the possibility that the Bush Commission’s attack on girls and women in sports may be the opening salvo in a broader attack on Title IX and opportunities for women in law, medicine, and other traditionally male-dominated professions. “Don’t weaken it,” said Mullinix.

For more on this story and the latest feminist news, visit

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Feminists Are Invited To the First National Student Global AIDS Campaign Conference

Join students from across the nation and people concerned about global HIV/AIDS in the first ever national Student Global AIDS Campaign conference. On February 28 – March 2, 2003, at the George Washington University in Washington, D.C., students are coming together to get educated on the issue, get trained as advocates, network, and organize for the future of the global AIDS movement. The event will feature speeches from members of Congress, workshops by AIDS activists, performances by artists and musicians, and special guest actor Rupert Everett.

Registration covers registration materials, light breakfast, and a boxed lunch. Group discounts are available for delegations of 10 or more. Please email to request discount. Limited financial aid is available. For more information on financial aid and the conference, visit or contact

LEARN MORE Click here to read women’s narratives about barriers or successes in accessing reproductive health and family planning services.

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That Takes Ovaries! Special Invitation for Activism!

Sampled by campuses across the country in speakouts, rallies, and feminist events, “THAT TAKES OVARIES!: Bold Females and Their Brazen Acts” (Random House 2002) includes real-life stories about gutsy, outrageous, audacious, courageous things women and girls have done. Filled with multi-culti, playful, sassy, often touching, true tales of estrogen-powered deeds, students can use the book to promote women’s empowerment through storytelling on your campus. Events are held just for fun or as fundraisers for your Leadership Alliance or feminist group. For more information on ordering the book and using it as a tool for activism, contact or visit

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Report: Females Suffer Higher Rates of HIV/AIDS in Zambia Than Males

A human rights report released earlier this week reveals that girls in Zambia are five times more likely to be infected with the HIV virus than their male counterparts as a result of widespread sexual abuse. Human Rights Watch (HRW) completed a 121-page report entitled “Suffering in Silence,” which describes how young girls who suffer from sexual abuse often experience it at the hands of guardians.

According to Human Rights Watch, the widespread sexual abuse of Zambian girls is fueling the HIV/AIDS epidemic, as there is a dramatically higher prevalence among girls than boys. A recent report by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) underscores the importance of empowering women to stem the AIDS crisis, citing certain cultural and social beliefs about women as contributing to their vulnerability in this epidemic. HRW reports that Africa is the only region in the world “where women and girls outnumber men and boys among persons living with AIDS. Zambia also has a large number of girls who have been orphaned as a result of the AIDS epidemic, and many of these girls are forced into prostitution.”

HRW blamed the Zambian police and authorities for being ineffective in enforcing laws against sexual abuse, and held them accountable for girls being hesitant to report abuses. The organization warned that if the Zambian government failed to address the issue it will have a negative impact in the fight against HIV and AIDS, calling for support networks for victims and better training of law enforcement officials.

For more on this story and the other global news stories, visit

LEARN MORE Click here to read women’s narratives about barriers or successes in accessing reproductive health and family planning services.

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Study & Action Manual: Promote the Pro-Choice Message

Support for abortion rights is across the board, with the majority of women and men, Democrats and Republicans, and every age and racial group believing women should have the right to decide whether or not to terminate a pregnancy. Knowing the general trends in attitudes toward abortion is important in shaping your on-campus actions throughout the year. Visit for action ideas and information on pro-choice support across the country.

For more action ideas on feminist leadership, careers, reproductive rights, and fighting the right-wing backlash, check out the Study and Action Manual online,

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