
Celebrating Afghanistan’s Independence Day

This week the Embassy of Afghanistan in Washington D.C. celebrated the 98th annual Afghanistan Independence Day. This celebration marks the anniversary of Afghanistan’s independence from Great Britain in 1919. Ambassador Hamdullah Mohib, Assistant Secretary of State Alice Wells, and United States Lieutenant General John Dolan were present at this event alongside both U.S. and foreign officials. Nobel Prize recipient Malala Yousafzai was also in attendance.

Afghanistan Global Womens Rights

Kabul University to Open First Gender Studies Program in Afghanistan

Kabul University just launched its first Gender and Women’s studies graduate program, the first of its kind in all of Afghanistan. The two-year program is another important step for Afghan women in achieving equality and increasing opportunity. According to the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the mission of this program is “to create a platform […]

Afghanistan Global Womens Rights

President Ghani Confirms: Four Women Ambassadors to be Appointed in Afghanistan

Ashraf Ghani, President of Afghanistan, announced that at least four women will be appointed as foreign diplomats, as well as made other promises for appointments of female government officials at varying levels of Afghanistan’s government. Last week, the Office of the President of Afghanistan tweeted that “at least four women ambassadors will be appointed to represent […]