
UN, Afghanistan Make Plea for International Aid to Help Ensure National Security

Afghan Interim Prime Minister Hamid Karzai and United Nations special envoy to Afghanistan Lakhdar Brahimi called on the international community yesterday to release aid money pledged for Afghanistan’s reconstruction in January in order to fund a national security force in the country. “[T]he establishment of a well-trained, properly equipped national security force is an absolute […]


FM President Leads Call for Expansion of Peace Troops in Afghanistan

Delivering the keynote address at the National Council of Women’s Organizations’ Women’s Equality Summit and Action Day, Feminist Majority President Eleanor Smeal called for a national women’s campaign in support of peace troop expansion and more U.S. resources for Afghanistan’s reconstruction. “Peace and security must be established across Afghanistan to enable the restoration of women’s […]


UN Official Calls for Increase in International Troops in Afghanistan

The United Nations’ Special Representative on human rights in Afghanistan, Kamel Hossain, called for an immediate expansion of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan to help ensure the establishment of stability and democratic institutions. Hossain, who has made several trips to Afghanistan, cautioned that, “Security lapses could jeopardize the whole transition process” and […]


U.S., France Reject Expansion of International Troops in Afghanistan

In spite of pleas from both the United Nations and the Afghan Administration for an expansion of the 4,800-member International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), the United States and France made their opposition official by telling the UN Security Council that the ISAF would not be expanded. U.S. representative James Cunningham and French Ambassador Jean-David Levitte […]


Bush Administration Limits Peacekeeping in Afghanistan

Despite pleas from Afghanistan’s interim government and United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan, as well as thousands of email messages from women’s groups, the Bush Administration appears to have made a decision not to allow an increase in the size of the 4500-member international peacekeeping force in Afghanistan, nor an expansion of that force beyond the […]


ABC’s Diane Sawyer Visits Afghanistan

Tune in tonight at 10pm (EST) as Diane Sawyer of ABC’s Primetime Live looks at life for Afghan women after the Taliban. In 1996, journalist Diane Sawyer visited Afghanistan shortly after the Taliban seized control of the Afghan capital of Kabul. She spoke with five women who were fearful for their lives and living in […]


U.S. Considers Larger Peacekeeping Role in Afghanistan

Zalmay Khalilzad, the U.S. Special Envoy to Afghanistan, announced yesterday that the U.S. is considering options for expanding the peacekeeping force in Afghanistan, expressing concern over the continuing conflict between several rival factions in Afghanistan. Possible scenarios include expanding the small 4, 500 member international peacekeeping force currently responsible for the entire country to 25,000 […]


Biden Calls for U.S. Peacekeeping Force in Afghanistan

Senator Joseph Biden (D-DE), Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, continued to urge the Bush Administration to deploy peacekeeping troops into Afghanistan to ensure the success of the new government. President Bush has repeatedly refused requests to use U.S. troops in a peacekeeping role after the current mission in Afghanistan ends. Biden, however, claims […]


Afghanistan Moving Towards Women’s Rights

At the encouragement of Afghan interim Prime Minister Hamid Karzai, Afghan women have returned to work in the ministries of the Afghan interim government Ð without wearing their burqas. Although not obligated to shed the head-to-toe shroud, no woman working in any of the government ministries has elected to put on the restrictive garment, required […]


Starvation Continues in Remote Areas of Afghanistan

While widespread famine may have been averted because of an outpouring of humanitarian food shipments into Afghanistan during the past four months, starvation still appears likely for some Afghans. According to the Associated Press, in the remote villages in the mountain region of Abdullah Gan, people continue to live with inadequate resources and have resorted […]


Humanitarian Relief Prevents Famine in Afghanistan

According to Catherine Bertini, Executive Director of the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), “There will be no famine in Afghanistan this winter.” This conclusion comes after an infusion of humanitarian food supplies into the country over the past four months. The WFP alone has supplied Afghanistan with 165,000 tons of wheat since September. Most […]


FMLA’s Mobilize Support For Women in Afghanistan

The Leadership Alliance at the UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA hosted a major speaking event entitled, “Ending Gender Apartheid in Afghanistan,” with special guest speakers Mavis Leno, head of the Feminist Majority’s Campaign to Help Afghan Women, and Kathy Spillar, Executive Vice President of the Feminist Majority Foundation. This event was co-sponsored by USC’s Unruh Institute […]


Powell Considers Post-Taliban Afghanistan

Secretary of State Colin Powell met with Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf to discuss, among other issues, the future of Afghanistan if the Taliban is ousted as a result of the U.S.-led war on terrorism. While Powell openly condemned the Taliban, according to the Washington Post, he also suggested that aspects of the Taliban may be […]