Election Health Politics

Healthcare Tops List of Iowa Voter Concerns

An exit poll from NBC News, CNN, and the Associated Press shows that healthcare is a top voter concern among Iowan Democrats; ranking ahead of issues like climate change or foreign policy. However, healthcare policy may not be the deciding factor of who people are going to vote for. According to Kimberly Leonard, senior healthcare […]

Abortion Health Reproductive Rights

Planned Parenthood to Resume Care at Louisville Clinic, Expanding Abortion Access in Kentucky

A Planned Parenthood clinic in Louisville will resume providing abortions in March after former Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin ordered a stop on abortions at the clinic in 2016. The clinic received a provisional license from the state in January permitting it to provide a full range of reproductive healthcare, including abortions. This will make the […]

Abortion Health Reproductive Rights

Virginia State Legislature Moves Forward with Pro-Choice Bill

The Virginia General Assembly is positioned to pass a bill eliminating numerous abortion restrictions and allowing physician’s assistants, nurses, and nurse midwives to perform first-trimester abortions, a major expansion of abortion access in the state. The House passed HB 980 on Tuesday, and the Senate is preparing for a vote on parallel legislation. The bill […]

Abortion Health Reproductive Rights

Trump Administration Reinstates Texas Medicaid Funding, Allows Planned Parenthood Exclusion

Texas will regain federal Medicaid funding for its state family planning program despite refusing to reinstate Planned Parenthood’s coverage, a move which threatens to embolden attacks on Planned Parenthood in other states. Texas lost its Title X federal funding under the Obama administration in 2012 after removing Planned Parenthood and other “affiliates of abortion providers” […]

Health Reproductive Rights

New Gallup Poll: Three Out of Five Americans Dissatisfied with Restrictive Abortion Laws

A new Gallup poll found that nearly three out of five Americans are dissatisfied with U.S. abortion policies—a record number driven by Democratic and Independent dissatisfaction towards increasingly strict abortion laws. From 2001 until 2016, a roughly equal proportion of Americans were dissatisfied with abortion laws as Americans satisfied with with abortion laws. The latest […]

Health Other Issues

Representative Ayanna Pressley Releases Inspiring Video About Living With Alopecia

Representative Ayana Pressley, a Democrat from the 7th district of Massachusetts, released a video yesterday via The Root’s Twitter revealing that she has alopecia, an autoimmune disorder that causes hair loss. For Ms. Pressley, she felt as though her hair story was both personal and political. She described her decision to publicly address her condition […]


Federal Appeals Court Strikes Down Obamacare Insurance Mandate

On December 18, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in New Orleans struck down the individual mandate of the Affordable Care Act as unconstitutional. This decision did not invalidate the entirety of the Act, but rather it sent the case “back to a federal district judge in Texas to ‘conduct a […]

Health Other Issues

At the Height of the Opioid Crisis Walgreens Handled Nearly 20 Percent of the Most Addictive Pills Shipped to Pharmacies

At the height of the opioid epidemic, Walgreens handled nearly one out of every five oxycodone and hydrocodone pills shipped to pharmacies across the United States, according to a new report from The Washington Post. Walgreens dominated the country’s retail opioid market from 2006 to 2012, with the company buying about 13 billion pills — […]