In a devastating blow to progress, the Supreme Court’s 2023 decision to overturn affirmative action in college admissions has begun to unravel decades of hard-won gains for women and students of color in higher education and beyond. Recent statistics from Brown University reported a 40% drop in Black student enrollment in their 2024 freshman class, […]
Supreme Court strikes down affirmative action
AP Photo/Gerry Broome In a 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court ruled against race-conscious admissions programs. In both cases — Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard and Students for Fair Admissions v. University of North Carolina — college admissions programs considered race as one of many factors in determining an application’s value. The Court ruled that […]
Trump Administration Attacks Affirmative Action Admission Policies
The Trump administration will encourage schools to implement race-blind admissions policies, a reversal from an Obama-era guidance. Under the Obama Administration, the Education Department’s civil rights division issued seven guidance documents urging schools to consider race during admissions when attempting to diversify student bodies. The Justice Department plans to scrap these guidance efforts.
Supreme Court Hands Down a Win for Affirmative Action
In a 4-3 decision today, the US Supreme Court upheld a race-conscious admissions policy at the University of Texas, issuing a decisive blow to opponents of affirmative action.
Fifth Circuit Court Refuses to Hear Challenge to Affirmative Action at University of Texas
In a brief order issued on Wednesday, the Fifth Circuit indicated that the decision to refuse rehearing was 10-5.
Lower Court Upholds Affirmative Action at University of Texas at Austin
“This decision should stand as a declaration of the ongoing importance and legality of affirmative action efforts that holistically evaluate applicants for admission in higher education.”
Supreme Court Upholds Michigan Affirmative Action Ban
The Supreme Court yesterday upheld a Michigan state constitutional ban on affirmative action for women and minorities in public education, employment, and contracting.
SCOTUS Decision Breakdown: On Affirmative Action and Workplace Harassment
So much SCOTUS, so little time. Here’s our take on two of the high court’s decisions from Monday.
Supreme Court Sends Affirmative Action Case Back to Appeals Court
Today the Supreme Court issued an opinion in the case on the affirmative action program at the University of Texas at Austin campus, deciding to send the case back to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals for further scrutiny in a seven to one decision.
Appeals Court Rejects MI Affirmative Action Ban
The United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit rejected a ban that currently prohibits Michigan from instituting affirmative action policies in higher education on Thursday by an 8 to 7 vote. The Court ruled [PDF] that a 2006 referendum approved by Michigan voters that prohibits race or gender from being used as a factor in […]
Berkeley Students Protest Anti-Affirmative Action Bake Sale
The group sold baked goods that were priced according to the race and gender of their costumers.