
Feminists Rally on Capitol Hill Against Stupak/Pitts

Hundreds of feminist activists from around the country gathered today on Capitol Hill to rally against the anti-abortion Stupak/Pitts amendment to the health insurance reform bill. The lobby day was presented by the Stop Stupak Coalition, which is also sponsoring a week of action that started Monday. The coalition includes 53 partners that form “a […]

Ms. Magazine Politics

Will We Ignore Brooksley Born AGAIN?

Eleven years ago, U.S. economic leaders should have listened to Brooksley Born. Then head of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), Born was concerned about new and unregulated futures markets. They were growing at tremendous rates, yet their risks were not fully understood. She was especially wary of the lack of transparency in trading over-the-counter […]


Hard Times = Hard Choices

A new report from the Guttmacher Institute gives useful empirical backing for what most people already know: Bad economic times like the present significantly affect individual’s and couple’s reproductive decisions. (In fact, the only people who don’t seem to grasp this intuitively are rightwing Republicans


Feminist Movement Loses a Dear Friend and Champion

Statement of Feminist Majority President Eleanor Smeal on the Death of Senator Edward M. Kennedy For decades, Senator Edward M. Kennedy was a champion of women’s rights. For years, when few other Senators would take women’s rights seriously, the women’s movement could count on Senator Kennedy. In struggle after struggle, the women’s movement could turn […]

Abortion Politics

Crisis of Deception: Fake Clinics Spread Misinformation on the Federal Dime

The powerful House Appropriations Labor Health and Human Services (HHS) Committee conducted hearings on its FY 2010 spending bill. President Obama has made his intentions clear. The President’s FY 2010 budget calls for a return to science-based initiatives and an end to federal funding for abstinence-only education programs. The question is will Congress follow his […]


Sotomayor Hearings and the Culture Wars

Buried in the stories about the Sonia Sotomayor hearings are mentions of the arrests at the hearings of four anti-abortion protestors, including Norma McCorvey, who is the Roe of Roe v. Wade. Not mentioned is the disgusting, little pamphlet being handed out there by supporters of Randall Terry, founder of the original Operation Rescue, an […]