
HERVotes Blog Carnival: Fighting Sexual Harassment

Welcome to the fifth #HERvotes blog carnival. This time we’re focusing on the need to keep strong the laws and public policies to end sex discrimination and sexual harassment in schools and in the workplace. HERvotes, a multi-organizational campaign launched in August 2011, advocates that women must use our voices and votes to stop the […]


Single-Sex Education Deemed Ineffective by Researchers

Distinguished university researchers on the Board of the American Council for CoEducational Schooling (ACCES) provided evidence that placing children in single-sex learning environments is ineffective, misguided and may actually have harmful effects on children.  In “The Pseudoscience of Single Sex Schooling, in Science magazine they found that purposeful “sex-segregated education is deeply misguided and often […]


HERvotes: How the Youth, Women and Minority Vote are at Stake in 2012

By Francesca Witcher This post is part of the #Hervotes Blog Carnival and was originally posted on the Feminist Campus Blog. The Feminist Majority Foundation and Ms. Magazine are partnering with other organizations that represent women and people of color in a Health and Economic Right or HERvotes initiative for the election in 2012. FMF’s […]


Vote Like Your Life Depends on It. Because It Does.

This Friday marks the 91st anniversary of women’s suffrage in the U.S. Yes, many of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers lived in a time when they weren’t allowed to vote. And for African Americans, the right to vote didn’t truly come into full effect until the Voting Rights Act of 1965. But now, armed with that […]


Gender Equity Deception Discovered in Athletic Programs

A New York Times report released earlier this week uncovered the deception of many athletic programs in schools regarding gender equity in sports, distorting the numbers in order to comply with the requirements of Title IX. Title IX, which bans sex discrimination in any federally-financed education program, has largely drawn attention to and been labeled […]