
Federal Court Blocks Indiana TRAP Law

Last Tuesday, a federal court blocked a targeted regulation of abortion providers (TRAP) law that could have shut down the only healthcare facility in Indiana providing RU-486, or mifepristone, the medication abortion drug.


Standing Up for Charlotte Clinics

Anti-abortion extremist groups – Operation Rescue and Operation Rescue/Operation Save America (OSA) – are out in force in Charlotte, North Carolina. But dozens of pro-choice supporters outnumbered their ranks on Saturday, the first day of the anti-abortion extremists national week-long siege targeting Charlotte clinics.


Joining Forces – Women Veterans Speak Out: The Trenches, Remembered

by Joan Grey, Business and Professional Women’s Foundation Mentoring Liaison We all have our stories.  Maybe these narratives, rather than DNA, are really what make us human.  On the topic of military sexual trauma, I turned to my West Point women classmates for their input.  Ours was the first co-ed class. Out of over 900 […]

Abortion Ms. Magazine Reproductive Rights

The Real Story of Margaret Sanger

By Ellen Chesler Birth control pioneer Margaret Sanger is back in the news this week thanks to GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain, who claimed on national television that Planned Parenthood, the visionary global movement she founded nearly a century ago, is really about one thing only: “preventing black babies from being born.” Cain’s outrageous and […]

Abortion Health Reproductive Rights

Virginia Adopts Strictest Regulations on Abortion Providers in Nation

The Virginia Board of Health voted Thursday 12-1 to adopt unnecessary and punitive regulations of first-trimester abortion clinics requiring architectural renovations to change clinics into hospitals and change government oversight. Under the regulations, state authorities can enter a clinic to inspect at any time without notice to examine patient medical records, gather a list of […]


From the Front Lines: Defending Dr. Carhart’s Clinic

It’s 10:36pm, and abortion clinic defenders are just getting home from this week’s ground zero – the Germantown, Md. clinic of Dr. Lee Carhart.  Operation Rescue had declared the past nine days “Summer of Mercy 2.0,” harkening back to the original Summer of Mercy actions that had targeted Dr. George Tiller’s clinic in Wichita, KS. […]

Abortion Reproductive Rights

Orlando Update: Clinics Remain Open in Face of Anti-Abortion “Siege”

By Christie Thompson The weeklong Operation Rescue/Operation Save America (OR/OSA) “siege” of Orlando has just two days left, and area women’s health care providers have successfully remained open and operating throughout. The anti-abortion extremist group targeted seven different clinics over the course of the week, surrounding offices and harassing both staff and patients. Organizers from […]

Abortion Health Reproductive Rights

North Carolina Defunds Planned Parenthood

By Amanda Litman, 6/15/2011 Today, North Carolina’s Republican-led Congress voted to override Democratic Governor Beverly “Bev” Perdue’s veto of the $19.7 billion, two-year state budget–making North Carolina the third state to defund Planned Parenthood. In one short sentence at the end of the budget, Republican lawmakers have banned the North Carolina government from making any […]


Demonstrators Gather for Dr. Carhart’s First Day at Maryland Clinic

Anti-choice organizations staged a demonstration and press conference at the Reproductive Health Services clinic in Germantown, Maryland, where prominent abortion provider Dr. LeRoy Carhart began practicing today. Protesters included the Christian Defense Coalition, Family Research Council, Operation Rescue, Concerned Women for America, Students for Life, and the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform. Montgomery County police and […]


From the Front Lines: A Warm Welcome in Charlotte

Last week, I went to Charlotte, North Carolina with Feminist Majority Foundation to help protect reproductive health providers from anti-abortion extremists Operation Rescue/Operation Save America during their national siege. This summer I’ve worked a great deal on with our NCAP project, and am following various anti-abortion organizations as part of my internship. Before this summer, […]