Conservative lawmakers in Ohio reintroduced a bill to ban abortion once a fetal heartbeat is detected, which can be as early as six weeks into a pregnancy.
Federal Judge Rules In Favor of Anti-Abortion Extremist Angel Dillard
A federal judge ruled Thursday that an anti-abortion extremist’s threatening letter to a Wichita, KS Doctor is protected under the First Amendment and does not constitute as “true threat.”
Georgia Governor Bypasses Legislature to Pass Restrictive Abortion Ban
Georgia Governor and anti-choice advocate, Nathanial Deal (R), has found a way to circumvent state legislators in order to pass an abortion insurance coverage ban for state employees. The Department of Community Health voted 5 to 3 (with one abstaining vote) on Thursday to pass the statewide ban for all672,000 state health insurance plan members and dependents. The new policy bans abortion in all cases except for when the life of the mother is in jeopardy. Georgia is the eight state to pass such legislation.
Conservative Stacked Board of Medicine Proposes “Telemedicine” Abortion Ban
On Tuesday the Iowa Board of Medicine proposed rules to ban the procedure known as ‘telemedicine abortion’, a medical practice that Planned Parenthood of the Heartlands has had in place since 2008. The Board�s decision was split 4 to 4, effectively allowing the motion to proceed.
More than Abortion: What We Lose When Clinics Shut Down
Make no mistake: though headlines focus narrowly on only the abortion care provided at these clinics, the regulation of health centers means we’re losing much more than one procedure.
Restrictive Abortion Law Temporarily Blocked in Wisconsin
A Wisconsin law that would require abortion clinic doctors to have admitting privileges to a hospital within 30 miles the clinic was blocked by a state judge Friday.
Leading Reproductive Rights Organizations Join Together for “31 Days of Unity”
Center for Reproductive Rights joins with reproductive rights, health, and justice organizations in August to urge Congress to take action against extreme attacks on women’s health.
Two Restrictive Abortion Laws Blocked in North Dakota
A North Dakota law that would require abortion clinic doctors to have admitting privileges to a hospital within 30 miles the clinic was blocked by a state judge yesterday.
North Carolina Governor Signs Anti-Abortion Bill into Law
North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory signed an extreme anti-abortion bill into law late last night. These new provisions threaten to close all but one abortion clinic in the state .
Pro-Choice Advocates Protest Restrictive Abortion Bill in North Carolina
Abortion rights advocates in North Carolina are holding two 12-hour vigils to protest a restrictive bill that could close some abortion clinics in the state.
North Carolina Senate Passes Abortion Restrictions
The North Carolina Senate passed SB 353 Thursday in a vote of 31 to 13, moving the bill which restricts abortion from the legislature to the Governor’s desk for final approval. SB 353 is the Senate version of theHouse motorcycle safety bill that passed over a week ago. Lawmakers added abortion provisions in at the last minute in the House.
Data Crunch: New Survey Reveals Majority of Americans Support Abortion, Oppose Closing Clinics
Study results were released today for a new poll on American attitudes about abortion.
Federal Judge Delays Enforcement of Alabama Abortion Law
US District Judge Myron Thompson has delayed the implementation of an Alabama law that would severely limit access to abortion services from August 2013 to March 24, 2014. The law, which mandates abortion clinics conform to the same standards as ambulatory care centers and requires doctors to attain admitting privileges at nearby hospitals, would eliminate three out of the five clinics in Alabama currently offering abortion services.
Federal Judge Blocks North Dakota Six Week Abortion Ban
Yesterday a federal judge placed a temporary block on North Dakota’s ban on abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected. Signed into law in March, the abortion law in North Dakota bans the procedure once a fetal heartbeat is detected, which can usually be found around the six-week mark. U.S. District Judge Daniel Hovland said that North Dakota’s abortion ban, which is the nation’s earliest ban, is “clearly invalid and unconstitutional.”
Texas Bill Introduced Will Ban Abortion After 6 Weeks
On Thursday, Texas Governor Rick Perry signed a controversial abortion ban, also known as HB 2, into law, officially limiting access to 20 weeks and establishing new regulations for abortion clinics and providers within the state.
Northern Virginia Clinic Forced to Close
NOVA Women’s Healthcare, an abortion provider that is repudiated to be the busiest clinic in Virginia, has closed its facility in Fairfax as a result of new city regulations combined with impending new Targeted Regulations of Abortion Providers (TRAP laws). NOVA was one of the main abortion clinics in the Northern Virginia area, and a main provider of low-cost cancer-screenings, birth control options, and other women’s health services.
Texas Passes Anti-Abortion Law, Confiscates Tampons
The Texas state Senate passed an anti-abortion law that threatens to close all but five clinics in the state and has garnered national attention in a vote of 19 to 11 on Friday.
NC Legislature Passes Another “Sneak Attack” Anti-Abortion Bill
Conservative North Carolina representatives have passed a “sneak attack” bill that combines an unrelated House bill on motorcycle safety with anti-abortion provisions. These provisions mirror the amendment added to an anti-Sharia bill that was passed in the Senate.
Judge Temporarily Blocks Abortion Law in Wisconsin
A federal judge temporarily blocked the portion of a new Wisconsin abortion law requiring abortion doctors to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles. U.S. District Judge Conley delayed the law for 10 days, until after another hearing on July 17th.
NC House Passes Anti-Abortion Education Bill
Last week the North Carolina state House of Representatives passed a health education bill requiring middle school students to be taught in sex-ed classes that abortion is a cause of pre-term births in future pregnancies.